Unusual leopard hatchling

This is a leopard gravel supposed to be proven to a gravel with 5 eggs, all hatched and is two normals and three leopards two of which look like dad and one that looks "different ". Please help i think mom is hiding something and i will probably get shed test on the hatchling. Pictures are of leopard and normal hatchlings with parents. Yep totally agree and the first two pictures are of the odd hatchling next mom
then dad and followed by the “normal” hatchling.Thanks for your help.

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Can you possibly list your photos by post order?
I’m very confused because none of those hatchlings are ‘normal’.

The last photo almost looks like a gravel blackhead to me, but I’m not familiar enough with the gene and pattern isn’t really fully viewable in these photos to say that’s an accurate guess.
Is there a possibility of a second male or even retained sperm since she you say she had been proven before?


Yes defiantly try to list who is who with the photos, because I’m a little confused too :rofl:.

Male leopard gravel was proven this is her first go. Mom is in shed in this picture but she is almost identical to the normal hatchling just a tad darker. Dad is classic leopard but the first and second picture of this dark baby with reduced pattern seems weird for what the parents are suppose to be. I love its colors and will be a hold back at this time. I updated and added desriptions of photos in OP.

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