Hi can someone help me please??? Sorry to but I’m on this post but it’s urgent!!! My female gecko layed 2fertile eggs on 18th June, she will not eat anything I’ve try every day she only comes out at night and hides in her hide all day, I don’t know what I’m todo she’s not eaten for a month now I’ve checked her weight she weighs 69.80g today,… she was 71g when I weighed her on June 5th,… she will drink the water I use reptisafe water conditioner (provided in new tank set up for geckos) she will lick the juices out of worms ect but just will not eat please please help me
What gecko?
She’s a good weight assuming at that size, any pics of her? What are you trying to feed her?
I’m guessing it’s a leopard gecko because of the thread. I agree that the questions above will be helpful. I had a leopard gecko lose over 15 grams after laying slugs. I wouldn’t worry too much unless the body condition starts deteriorating and she loses fat stores (the tails’ stores are used first and then the body, if they are both used up she will turn very thin). Try offering different foods. Can you add a picture of the enclosure?
I’ve tried crickets, meal worms these black soldier things I was advised on here to feed her I’ve tryed wax worms she’s just not having any of it and I’m sure she should of layed more eggs by now as it was 18th June she layed the 1st two but she just will not eat
I wouldn’t worry. Unless she starts getting thin just keep a dish of food in there and see if she eats. Is she housed with another gecko? I would also recommend trying dubia roaches or silkworms in addition to what you have. What has she been eating before?
All above and some widget grub things
If she’s cohabitated with another gecko I would separate them. They usually do better separated and it could be stress if she keeps fasting. Were you feeding waxworms before she stopped eating?
Yes but only as a treat in addition to main, her tail has got a lot thinner to what it normally is I need help is she egg bound or something as it’s been over 32days since she layed the eggs and hasn’t eaten at all since
What was the main food you were feeding? Can you add a recent picture from above of her and a picture of her belly?
Sometimes females are more reluctant to eat during the time they are ovulating. I have one female who drives me insane & refuses to eat of her own accord for months at a time. Needless to say, she needs to eat, so what I do is feed her a slurry via a syringe (not with a needle- an oral syringe). Right now I use Repashy’s ‘Grub Pie’ mixed with water. You can also use EmerAid for Carnivores or Carnivore Care from Oxbow. When you feed a soup, it also has water in it, which is very important to keep your gecko hydrated.
In my personal experience, I’ve found that greater exposure to natural light drastically increased the reproductive activity of my geckos. To the extent that I plan to have black-out curtains for the new gecko room once I move in a few months. I’m hoping that, in my new house, when I provide an artificial light cycle that doesn’t vary, the geckos won’t be as strongly affected by the breeding season. This past season, at one point I was syringe feeding a half dozen of my girls, it was such a pain in the bum!
Edit: I forgot to add that what I mentioned is only a possibility, as it would be late in the year for your girl to go off feed just because she’s ovulating. If you are at all concerned, taking her into a reptile vet would help determine if she’s not eating for a dangerous reason. They can take x-rays to look for eggs (egg binding), and test her for parasites, or do blood work. There is no way for us online to tell you if she is egg-bound for certain, as you need x-rays to accurately detect the size & number of eggs present.
If you won’t take her to a vet, definitely give us all the husbandry information that @erie-herps mentioned and provide pics please. It will help us help you. (And definitely make sure she is housed alone- if she’s not it could just be that she’s not eating because of the stress of having a cagemate.)