Using Shredded Aspen Substrate

Do you just place the Aspen directly on the glass bottom of the enclosure? Or do you put something else on the glass before the Aspen, say like reptile carpet?

It likely doesn’t matter, but maybe it does, and you never know until you ask.

Thanks for your help!


Also, wondering what sphagnum moss product do you use for your humid hide. Anything available on Amazon (yeah, I know they’re on the evil side) would be most convenient for me.


So I use Aspen directly on the bottom but I have a thick layer for my bullsnakes, 5"+. If you wanna use a thin layer then maybe you could use some butchers paper, newspaper, or cabinet shelf liner underneath to help cleanup easier. Also I use organic sphagnum moss from Amazon, as long as it’s the natural beige color and no dyes are in it, it’s good to me.


Hey, thanks ohmygobble… snot? (or is it ohmygobbles… not?)

Great name anyway you slice it!

I’m thinking I’ll be using at least 3" maybe 4". I didn’t know if putting something under the Aspen would make clean up easier. Something waterproof-ish say. Reptile carpet isn’t cheap like shelf liner though.

Could you recommend the name of the sphagnum moss that you use? There seems to be a ton of 'em to pick from.

Thanks for your interest and help gobbler. :slight_smile:


I just put the aspen directly into the enclosure. That includes the glass tanks. For your upcoming arrival, you probably will use a depth of 2-3" to allow him to burrow and to build tunnels if he wants. You may want to keep him on paper towels until after his first meal with you, though. It’s simpler to find their waste that way. You’ll want to be sure he’s digesting correctly after shipping.

For the sphagnum moss, just be sure that what you get is organic AND nothing but moss. No dye, which is usually green so it’s readily seen. No fertilizer either, which means checking the label. It’s often sold as “orchid moss.” Better Gro is personal favorite brand because it’s clean and fluffs nicely when damp. It’s sometimes available at garden centers or can be ordered online.

But any sphagnum with nothing else added is acceptable.


Lol yeah no problem and you can say my name either way lmao, I made it when I was 13 and just kept it :joy: I actually use a similar moss to the one Caryl posted a pic funny enough


Just curious. Are you Caitlin on CB? :blush::blush::blush::face_with_monocle:


I can’t talk on tanks since I use paper towels in my only substrate-less tank, but in my lab we use unscented puppy pads for the big tables to immediately soak up any spills - I imagine something like that might be helpful since it IS made to soak up bodily fluids?


Those puppy pads are ok for some snakes but shredded aspen is the best for corn snakes because they like to burrow….


Colubrids definitely like to burrow. If you put down a liner on the bottom, chances are they’re gonna just find a corner they can get their little noses into and hide underneath it. Just all around easier to put it in directly.

Liners and puppy pads can work pretty good in a pinch for some python and boa species though. I used puppy pads for my iso setup for a pair of retics. They’re less likely to nose around under it and just like to find a nice spot to curl up under a box


That’s exactly what they do, lol. Paper towels or newspaper are helpful for certain circumstances but it’s pretty clear that the snakes prefer something they can burrow around in.


Yeah I’m Caitlynn on CB lol, I don’t post on either sites often but if I add reptile pics I try to add to both sites since everyone here likes lizards lol


Oh we love any reptiles here! You have some incredible animals btw!

Sorry I blew your cover!!! :joy::joy::joy:


Hey Caryl !!

You’re da best! Not only do you answer my questions… you manage to answer questions that I either forgot to ask or chose not to in the interest of brevity.

I managed to find that exact sphagnum moss at Amazon but I really had to dig for it, actually had to google the premium version which didn’t come up when I just searched for Better Gro Orchid Moss in the Amazon window.

Great advice about the depth of shredded aspen based on the size of my snake! I really would have no good idea on that.

Definitely paper towels until after his first meal, I’d much rather not have to dig around for his poop. I wouldn’t have used paper towels, I would have just put the shavings in.

I was initially going to get the Zoo Med Aspen Shavings but Amazon was jerking me around with delivery dates so I found another all natural aspen shavings (Galapagos) that gets great reviews from snake owners.

Anyways, more super-duper advice and I appreciate it so much. Wooo-Hoooo!!


She’s a “corn snake” wizard isn’t she Mike?! She’s also an amazing corn snake breeder and a friend of mine even though we have never met!

That’s the beauty of this place. There are lots of people here who are glad to share their experience:knowledge with one another to help out in any way they can for the benefit of the animal….


Gee, y’all are making me seriously blush. Give compliments about my animals and I grin from ear to ear. Personal compliments like this ate so humbling. They make me shift and fidget. I’ll say thank you kindly, @mikedempster1958 and @caron, just the same.

Brevity can be overrated when trying to learn. Go ahead and ask. We’ll try and help. I was fortunate to have people doing the same when I was new to corn snake keeping. I am still learning, but happy to share what I know.

I don’t know the official mission statement of MorphMarket, but this certainly captures the ethos and vibe of this community. Well said! :+1:


Late to the party but I exclusively use aspen for my house snakes. The girls seems to prefer the finer cut vs larger pieces. I get mine at a local farm store in the small pet aisle for like $15 for a big bag. It’s been 2 years and I have not made a dent in it :sweat_smile: I give the girls probably close to 3-4" deep and they burrow readily and it holds their tunnels. For snakes that don’t need extra humidity, I really like aspen! For the humid hide, I would really suggest getting something with a closed bottom/not putting it on the aspen since it molds and turns gross really quickly if exposed to excessive humidity. I just use converted food containers with the lids on for my humid hides.

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