Vanilla or not?

This girl was sold to me as a vanilla. I bred her to my firefly clown and got ten eggs. The eggs have been opened and no vanilla cream or scream. Now I’m really doubting that she is actually a vanilla. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.


Could you get some better pictures on solid background in better lighting?

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I hope these help

Although I don’t consider that a high quality example of vanilla I would agree with that identification.


Thank you very much.

Maybe some misunderstanding of the term “vanilla” here i have always been under the impression that vanilla meant plain. I don’t know morphs or what they have decided to call them. But maybe vanilla means just a normal ball :woman_shrugging:

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No problem always happy to help.You :100: your firefly clown is correctly identified?

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I can show him to you

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Here’s some pictures of the babies.

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