Varanus Cumingi

Hello all new here, my name is Ed and currently live in ilocos sur region of the Philippines and I am starting a new adventure raising and breeding Varanus Cumingi. I have 20+ years raising monitors and really excited to see them in their natural habitat. The outdoor enclosure is a work in progress. Will be sending all the data I get from this monitor here to help others raise and maintain healthy environment for this beautiful lizard.

Drop your links:

MorphMarket Store:


Hello Ed!

Let me be the first to welcome you to this community! It never ceases to amaze me how the Internet Web can bring people so geographically far away so virtually close together!

You are on a noble quest to breed and raise these wonderful creatures! Best of wishes to you! :pray:

Edit to add: You might want to check out CB. There are lots of great people there as well!


What is CB?


ColdBlooded. It is another reptile social media thing. I am not really a fan of it as there really isn’t much discussion and most just pictures.

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At the top of this post page there are 2 interlocking red circles. Click on those and it will take you to the page. There are some nice people there…

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