Very odd. 16yr old leo...lays slugs

My 16yr Leopard. That I rescued 11yrs ago…has been lethargic & setting on the one side of her cage she never does. Couldn’t get her to eat for me & she has been looking very old in the face & losing tail weight…but not grams. Well she just laid two big slug eggs. I know this can happen…but @ her age? She has never randomly laid before & has always been by herself. Thoughts? On the plus…she isnt all lethargic anymore.


Definitely on the odd side after so long…
But on the other hand, congrats on having her set up so well that her body seemed to think even at that age everything was good to go.
If she doesn’t already, make sure she has access to a calcium and vitamin dish. But otherwise you probably won’t need to do much else for the moment.

She should start eating again. It’s tough to say if she’s gonna try laying again. I’ve seen a few pass slugs once a year and that’s that. Hopefully she won’t until next year at least if she does. That way she can get the weight she lost back. However, if she does keep laying, you may need to begin more drastic measures if she starts dropping excessive weight.


Awwwww @slpocrnich! Bless her little leo heart! It’s surely a blessing that she has been well taken care of by you! And I’m glad she literally got those slugs out of her system! Here’s to hoping this is a one time occurrence! But at least if it happens again you will be prepared! :pray::blush:


@ her age…itll litterally didnt even cross my mind she coulda been making eggs.


Age wise Leo’s can still lay eggs.


The way she was acting…I really thought she was starting to go down hill. Im glad this was the issue. But yeah in the whole 11yrs Ive had she had never done this. Glad she is feeling better thO!!


Females will often have a reduction in appetite during the breeding season, it’s normal and not a problem so long as you stay on top of it. Breeding season has more or less just ended.

I have a 20 year old gal that lays slugs every year still and it drives me insane!! I have a terrible time keeping weight on her. Fortunately, she’s a good little eater.

Make sure to have your care totally dialed in since she’s elderly and still producing slugs. If continued, unrelenting lethargy and/or lack of appetite occurs, take her to a vet immediately. Better to be like ‘well, now I feel silly, it turns out she’s fine’ than ‘I feel terrible, I should have taken her in before it was too late.’