I see that under a sellers listings the critters are grouped into sections now, which is quite nice. But could there be added back a “Show all Listings” link/button? Clicking on every subsection one at a time is a lot to do for some sellers. And I end up down lots of dead ends when not familiar with particular sub name areas like “Lps” or “Sps”. I can also window shop through a lot of offerings to find something I might have never found if I had stayed on the narrow pathways.
Thanks & keep up all the good work.
If you go to the sellers page, under the section where it has all the categories listed you can click on “view all xx listings” is this what you mean?
Yes, that button/option exactly. Are you using the MM phone app?
I no longer have that option on my desktop. I have tried several different browsers & computers & phone to check if it was just a localized issue.
I’m using the morphmarket app, but it appears for me using safari on my phone as well.
Using iphone
Thanks for your testing efforts.
I’m on Windows & Android so maybe it didn’t get sorted yet to work on those after adding the subsection buttons update. I shall be patient & wait till they notice the less cool kids.
Hmm, Interesting. I also don’t see that button, I’m on a Macbook. I’ve definitely seen it before, so idk.
If I had to guess it was accidentally removed for those then, because it’s never went away for me. It’s been there for as long as I can remember. Can you post some screenshots?
So I’ve noticed the button is incredibly easy to miss on browser. @zebrabluestuff @indiflare If you have it, it will appear under the first set of photos on the shop page. You’ll see the black “Waitlist Animals” button, then under that photos of the animals for sale, then under that is the poorly visible yellowish outline “View All”
I used to have the “View all listing” button but about a week or so ago in vanished. Maybe the same time as the critters were grouped into sections was added???
Here is what I see on all my computers (4 Windows10 on FF&Chrome, 1 phone Android on FF&Chrome) I have tried this on:
If I search through the page source code I don’t even find the “View All # Listings” related text/script in the expected area. So it’s not like maybe there is an open bracket or something that is causing a line of code to render or not depending on how forgiving the browser parses it.
You are seeing this same issue on all of your devices @zebrabluestuff ?
Can you confirm if you are logged in or not?
It looks like we are not displaying some Store elements to logged out users, which may be the issue here.
I will get this looked into asap.
Thank you for reporting @zebrabluestuff
Thank you @nswilkerson1 @noodlehaus for helping out here!
Thanks for looking into this.
As far as I can tell I am logged in on all the computers I tested on if that helps.
I learned to manually code basic html back in 96 in Notepad & know how one little code tweek here can upset some script over there.
Keep up the good work. The site has been getting progressively moar better.