VPI vs MJ vs TSK Axanthic

Does anyone work with either or maybe even all three lines?
Or anyone planning to in the future, what’s your ideas?

Which one is your favourite?

Share pictures of your single genes and combos :grin:

  • Axanthic (VPI)
  • Axanthic (TSK)
  • Axanthic (MJ)

0 voters


I think Black Axanthic is going to turn out to be the best of all of them!


Any plans on buying one?

No plans to buy one at this point.

I don’t care much about axanthic on their own but some great things have been done with TSK axanthics.

The only animal I have with Axanthic in it is a True Ghost TSK Line, and I have great things in the works with him.


I work with VPI. I do have a friend who does TSK, and one what does Black axanthic. As adults most axanthics look pretty brown to where it’s hard to trust axanthic in there. My friend Ken with black axanthic, mind blowing! Its pitch black as an adult. Comes out looking regular and reversed in how the color darkens as it matures. Jet black and dark shiny florescent hues. If I could have afforded it 3 years ago when I got back into the hobby I would have gone that route instead. Black axanthic is where it’s at.


I don’t think black axanthic is even axanthism. It seems like a form of melanism since they are jet black as adults. Axanthism doesn’t do that.


I work with gcr line which sprang up in my area. It has been proved to be its own line. But I agree with @stewart_reptiles on its own there not much to look at. True ghost is my favorite combo. That’s my goal with my axanthic. But I’m going to use desert ghost.

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Everyone thinks that the line they work with is the best. The truth is there are exceptional examples from each line. Do your homework, and buy from someone who consistently produces really nice animals. Personally, I would not invest in the MJ line for at least several years…it just popped up within the last few years, not many people are working with it. So that means you can’t buy hets to further your projects, and you have a much more limited group of people who will buy your babies.


I agree with this… I like them all but I personally work with tsk not to say I wont get other lines in the future but for now tsk is what went with…

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I’ve always been a fan of, and have worked in the past with VPI lines. I like the consistency that seems to come with crosses from that line


A high quality individual is a high quality individual whatever line you can find quality in work with that. Nice thing about Axanthic is most people that work with them already work with a specific line so if you find a good source you can dip into it for several individuals. I don’t have any yet so idk which I’ll go with :slight_smile:


I also agree with that. Seems to be great for darkening any combos though. I would love to get into it in the future for that. But I would still keep with tsk for that axanthic look, since that’s the line of axanthic I have purchased.

Personally, theres great and terrible examples of all lines. Put in the work to get the outcome you want. You can achieve the same goals with any line. I dont see the point of buying multiple lines if they arent compatible though. I have purchased tsk because it was what was available in the visuals and het combos I was looking for at the time of investing.


I wonder if people have actually tested all of the lines with each other yet to see if they are compatible. I haven’t heard of anyone doing it, but maybe breeders have behind closed doors and just haven’t said much about it. I personally have 2 het VPIs because they tend to be more plentiful in combos, and more affordable as hets. I will eventually work my way up to some VPI lightning pieds, and maybe eventually get a VPI suma. A black BP with a silver stripe down its back sounds really cool.


To date, I know the following have been done:
VPI x Joliff
VPI x Black
TSK x Joliff

I have yet to see documentation on:
TSK x Black
Joliff x MJ
Joliff x Black
MJ x Black


@t_h_wyman Are they compatible? Any links to documentation?

They are not compatible.


As Deb says, none from those pairings proved to be compatible

Documentation is scattered across websites and forums (extant and defunct) and podcasts and books. I have neither the time nor the inclination to run them all down but the info is certainly out there

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I work with gcr axanthic. It’s a line that popped up within a pied line from a St. Louis breeder. My little group consists of a male visual and two het females. All possible het pied. Hoping to hit on the pied axanthic next year.


GCR Axanthic? May I ask who produced that line and how long it has been around. I’ve been out of balls for a while and never heard of that line.