As a heads up! Do remember that ball python market is oversaturated right now, so finding homes and such for any offspring may be very difficult. There’s also the concerns for things like vets and all as well if anything like eggbinding, prolapsed hemipenes or deformities in hatchlings show up.
That said!
Banana is always a really neat morph as it’s such a drastic change without having to rely on the recessive pairings. Unfortunately, none of the recessive genes in your baby are guaranteed. Ideally you would want a visual of the gene you want to verify in the male so at least every baby WILL be guaranteed to be hets. It looks like piebald will be the best bet. Finding a pied is generally pretty easy as well. If you really wanted to go all out, a pied clown het axanthic would be the best option I think. But it all depends on budget.
If you decide to breed her to anything het for the genes that she might be carrying, it may take up to 3 clutches to hit the right odds as it’s a 1:4 chance per egg. Although sometimes you get super lucky and hit multiples in the first clutch.
Aside from that, I personally find mojave bananas to be gorgeous little things.
You could also consider other morphs like yellowbellies to help bring out some of the flaming or black pastel, but they can be a little tricky to ID at times.
Thank you! I appreciate your response, I am new to all this so for sure taking time to learn a lot more first and she’s got awhile until she’s ready to breed so I have plenty of time to look
First Hi and welcome to the community .
Second, what they said The market
Buts is ok if you are prepared to look after the babies for some time until you get good homes.
Third, a male banana, maybe with a BEL complex but depends if you like spots or not. , but either way you could make some super bananas then. So cool.
Pretty snake! I agree with @armiyana if it is in your budget I would definitely get a visual male to try and prove out! I love both banana clowns and banana pieds, can’t go wrong with either!
Very pretty little girl you got there! Welcome and best wishes with whichever way you decide to go! These people will never steer you wrong!!!
Save and dry her next shed. If you are interested in any of her possible het genes you may want to look into getting her tested. A VPI axanthic test isn’t available yet but clown and pied are. Assuming she is a baby you could wait until next year to get a baby male and hopefully by then you could do a panel test for all three. If you are lucky enough for her to hit all three don’t be afraid to buy a triple het male if you can’t afford homozygous/visual. Sure the odds of hatching the triple visual from two triple hets are long but you can’t if you don’t try and the clutches should have lots of variety while you try.