Ways to “de scent” a prey item

Hey guys! Are there other ways to remove the scent of a fuzzy besides boiling it? I think someone mentioned using some kind of dish soap?
Thank you!


Ivory or Dawn dish soap are my go-tos for removing scent. Some even prefer it to be slightly soapy still.


So the soap won’t matter? I would think it would taste yucky! Lol!

I want to re scent the fuzzy with tree frog scent to try to entice my picky hog to eat.

@garciademueller has given me some tips as well.


And thank you!


You’d think so! But you’d also think mice taste yucky! I would try it washed and thoroughly rinsed (and then added frog scent if you’re trying that) first, and try it with a little sudsy residue for the next attempt if it doesn’t work this time.


Ok I certainly will! I will let you know what happens. I may try it on my picky stubborn house snake as well. I am so frustrated with them that I have been thinking about re homing them. But I would be admitting defeat so……. lol Guess I am stubborn too! :joy:


This made me actually laugh out loud. Thanks, Olivia, I needed that today. :grin:

It is so often an exercise in frustration trying to get stubborn babies going. But it’s an amazing feeling when the stubborn ones decide that eating is a good thing. Usually once you find their trigger, whatever it is, they do well.

You and they will get there, Caron. Keep the faith.


Thank you for the encouragement! Hoagie is 2 years old and a decent weight but this hit or miss thing……… :upside_down_face::lizard::snake::frog:

You guys are GREAT here!,



Yes after I thought about it………gag me with a spoon!, oh that’s such an old saying. :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


One more comment on my little “odd duck” Hoagie. No matter how thick his bedding is and how cozy his tub is he continues to surf the perimeter of his tub and he is always trying to stick his nose in an upper corner of the tub.

When I have him in my hands he is a puppy dog. He refused his frog scented fuzzies today. I might try feeding him in my hand……. Lol! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::snake:


It’s like all he wants to do is escape…….


This is pretty much all hoggies. All three of mine do it. They want to burrow through everything.

Have you tried drop feeding when he refuses, or are you already just leaving the mice for him? I know sometimes my problem children just want to be left alone with their food. There’s also the most recent trick that has worked for me if you haven’t tried it: smaller prey items.


He has eaten small mice but he eats fuzzies most of the time. I tried drop feeding when I first got him but it didn’t work because of the surfing. So I started putting him in a little tub with the fuzzies and he ate better that way. Once in a while during a lull, I would put a live fuzzy and a ft fuzzy in with and he ate once or twice that way. @garciademueller suggested that I try putting the food in his hide so I am going to try that.

I probably need to wait until later in the night and then dropping one in. Maybe a pinky?


Food in the hide is a great tip, he’d be more comfortable in there. For my bin surfers, I usually either put the pinky in a hide or I wedge it in the leaves of one of the fake plants. You could definitely do a fuzzy still if he was on small mice.


I had one a few years ago that would eat day or night anything you gave him and never hissed once. He is in a classroom now. I wish I had him back! Lol!


Yes I thought the hide was great idea from
@garciademueller . I’m not going to give up!
Thank you for the suggestion.!