Weighing in for the '23-'24 breeding season

This fall will be my first season breeding my BP’s.
Out of eleven girls , two are up to weight and age to pair up. Both are first timers. I imagine they will both put on another 200-400 grams before the season kicks off.
I’m interested to see what your first time girls are and what they are weighing now.

Enchi Blade 66% het Clown 1531 grams currently

Pastel Spider(Bumblebee) 1649 grams


Very pretty mommas to be (hopefully)! Best wishes coming your way for great things! :+1::blush:


Thank you @caron . I’m nervous and excited at the same time even though it’s still months away.


Both look great, and are definitely up to size. How old are they? I have had a few go at 2+years but mostly not until 3 years, no matter what they weigh. Also it may help if you use a proven male since it is their first breeding season. Mostly though just watch their behavior, they will tell you when they are thinking about breeding. They may be voracious wanting to eat more then usual, cold seeking resting on the walls, bowl wrapping. All good indications of their intentions. Good luck! What are you thinking about pairing?


I appreciate the advice @banereptiles . I’ve been preparing myself for the last three years. This forum has been beneficial with so much great information on breeding.
The Enchi is 3 years come September 16th and Bumblebee is right around 3 . She’s the only pet store bought one. She came with free mites too :rofl:. Glad all that’s behind us here.
Ellie the Enchi is going to be paired with the Lesser 100% het Clown. Bumblebee is to be paired with Opie, the OD Fire Yellowbelly.
No luck on pairing with a proven breeder male. So I’m praying instincts kick in for the boys.

Thanks again!


Great pairing choices! I hope your lady Enchi proves het clown and you get some lesser, Enchi, blade and combinations of clown! All the genes of your other male od, fire, and of course yellow belly go so well with pastel! Add spider you got some potentially great looking offspring! Sounds like you are well prepared! Of course the snakes will do what they decide is best for them, but your bases seem pretty covered! Good luck! Update us regulars regularly!:grin::+1:


I don’t plan on my Bumblebee being bred much. I’ve looked at combos on the MM calculator and the offspring look amazing from that particular paring.
I too am hoping the Enchi proves out. If not , I have a Pastel 100% het Clown that should be ready next season. The ones that do prove out will be paired eventually with the OD fire yellowbelly in the future.
I will absolutely keep you all posted .