The thing is, I did throw in a secondary male at one point, for a single day, and did witness a lock between them. Did not witness any between her and the scaleless. That male had no scaleless genes, but WAS pos het amel. Visually he’s a Ghost Motley/Stripe, so if he was dad, the amel babies and lack of scaleless would make sense.
Gotcha. Yes, that would indeed make sense. Now that I read it again, I think I remember your mentioning that in the past. Sorry, it had slipped my mind.
It’s all good, there has been a lot going on for both of us this season!
Can we keep his name as Leaky? I think it is perfect if you ask me .
I’ll consider it, depending on the gender. Not so sure I want a female named Leaky.
It could be drippy
Oh my goodness! Beautiful colorings!
Yay for babies! They’re beautiful!
If you don’t want a female named Leaky, you could always go with Leakey, as in the famous anthropologist Mary Leakey. Her husband Louis did some anthropological stuff too, I believe, so Leakey would also work for a male. Lol
And it still could be pronounced Leaky!!!
Yup!! Three cheers for Leaky Leakey!
Yay, so glad your clutch is finally hatching! I’m sorry you had a loss, but that’s amazing that Leaky (the obvious crowd favourite) seems to be beating the odds! I can’t wait until he/she has fully emerged, along with all the other babies.
…is it just me, or does it take a painfully long time between the first pip and all the babies actually emerging fully from the eggs? Even just following this clutch from a distance via the internet, I find myself getting impatient for them to all just hatch and come out already! I can’t imagine how it must feel when it’s a clutch you produced yourself. It’s like you wait and wait for that first pip…and then you still have to wait and wait and wait some more before you actually have babies. It’s crazy-making!
Oh, the waiting has been the absolute worst bit of this all. As of right now, only three babies have left their eggs. Neither of the surprise Amels is out, and I want to get a look at them so badly. There is a lot of sitting on my hands to avoid causing problems.
I will say, after I lost the baby who had the accident in the egg, I did cut the remaining eggs, ever so carefully. I told myself I wasn’t going to, but the fact that the one baby went from pipped to dead in less than two hours had me too freaked out. Future clutches will not be cut, if I can help it.
Precious! Looks like a nice healthy baby.
Aside being ever so slightly smaller than the rest of its siblings so far, every other bit is seemingly perfect. I could not have asked for a better outcome.
Oh my goodness! How beautiful and precious! that snake was worth the wait!
Hooray Leaky, welcome to the world! S/he is really beautiful, I’m so glad they’re out and about and doing well (along with all the other babies).
Yeah! That is what I am talking about! Leaky is the best!!!
That’s wonderful! Leaky is lovely, or handsome as the case may be. The others are beautiful, too. I absolutely adore this time of year. I’m always thrilled to see healthy babies.