Western hognose gender? Help

Hi. I got this hognose 2 years ago when she(?) was just a few weeks old. So she’s about two now. But I think she’s kind of small for a female and knowing a little more about them, by her tail she kinda looks like a shorter tail male. Also I heard if you hold them up to light especially if they’re albino like she is, you can see their male parts through their skin in their tail. So there’s a dark spot under her cloaca that spans her whole tail width going down about an inch so I think that means she’s a boy? Please let me know what you think, included a few pics… in the whole body photo the tail is kind of curved back distorting the length but hopefully these work.


That looks female to me. The dark shading is not necessarily hemipenes. There are scent glands in that area as well to my knowledge so it could possibly be that. I have a female (she laid eggs so definitely female) who also has really dark shading in that area so I would not count it as an indicator for being male.


There is a scale counting thing where females are supposed to have 30 to 40 and males over 40 on the underside of their tail. What is your feeding schedule like and how many grams is the snake? I’m leaning on short tailed male.