Title says it all!
I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time, if you’ve got a good breeder male or female what age do yall consider them to be done serving their community? ( I Like to say the females are paying rent by laying fertiles. Same with successful pairing on males LOL)
But I’ve got a few of my adults that are getting up there in age. My oldest breeder was born in 2017 Altitude exotics line, so far I haven’t had a successful pairing from him but Im still holding out on hope for him that’s actually why I was asking this question! What do y’all prefer? Staying under 8 years? No judgement zone as well everyone is different!
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Depends on the individual tbh, if we’re only considering age I would probably retire females earlier than males though. Maybe something like 8-10 for females, and 10-12 for males? But if they are acting normal, and not showing signs of old age (other than their colours fading), and there aren’t any other reason that they shouldn’t be bred anymore, I don’t see a need to retire them personally.
Atm i have two retired males, and no retired females. One of them was retired simply because im not super interested in working with him anymore, but he’s my “heart” gecko so he’s never leaving. He’s from 2019 so 5 years old. The other is one of his sons who unfortunately had a prolapse the very first time he was paired, and had to have one of his penes amputated. He’s just a lovely gecko so i can’t bring myself to let him go as a pet only, though i might gift him to my brother at some pojnt to make space. He’s from 2021.
Since i only breed on a very small scale, i tend to not keep my geckos for a ton of seasons, since i need to keep my collection diverse. So other than those two males, i tend to just sell the geckos rather than retire them. Thus far i haven’t owned a gecko that i felt was too old 
I like this! That’s pretty much what I was thinking as well but I also threw this question out there because of the lack of information on that. Haven’t heard anyone else talk about it before and I’ve got a male (not breeder pet only) who is turning 15 this year 
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