So, I have these babies of different ages from my first time breeding, and I was wondering what their morphs are. I’ll show pictures of the parents and grandparents, but I want to let everyone know that I probably won’t breed them together again since they aren’t a great match. I’m probably bias, but I think the babies are beautiful, and weirdly, each new clutch has been prettier than the last! I’ll also add their names, ages, and who their clutch mates are. Also, sorry for always asking about morphs—everyone here is always so helpful, and I learn a lot! I usually try to figure out what I think they are first to see if I’m right or not!
Hermes: Harlequin partial pinstripe pos het EB with dal spots
Artemis: Harlequin partial pinstripe pos het EB with dal spots
Dionysus: Harlequin
Bucchus: Harlequin partial pinstripe pos het EB
Phoebe: Harlequin partial pinstripe pos het EB
Atlas: Harlequin partial pinstripe pos het EB
All the babies except for Dionysus show subtle markers for het EB, but none of them are definite het EBs imo.
Hermes and Artemis are both harlequin partial pins with dal spots.
Dionysus - harlequin tiger pin dash.
Bucchus, Phoebe and Atlas are harlequin partial pins.
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