What % banana offspring will a male actually produce?

In YoutubeLand so many breeders claim that a male banana will pass on the banana trait to 50% of its offspring; however, my understanding is that males are either female makers or male makers, and by deductive reasoning I would assume that the odds of any given offspring inheriting the banana gene from a male to be between 25%-26%.

Is this the case? Or would a a male maker (for example) pass the gene nearly all the male offspring and about 1% of female offspring in order to account for the common claim of 50%?

What odds have y’all personally experienced when breeding male bananas?

Thank You.

Edit: I essentially want to know what % of males produced from a male maker will inherit the banana gene. Do most of the males inherit the banana gene, offsetting the lack of females in order to achieve the 50% that breeders often reference? Or do only half of the males inherit the banana gene as i hypothesize making the total odds just slightly higher in comparison of het to het breedings with recessive traits.

I have produce over 100 Banana and CG combos from Male makers and my average as been slightly over 1% when it comes to producing females from those males.

This is the first year I will be pairing female makers so we will see on that.

BTW you tube is the worst place for info. :wink:


And I’m assuming that about half of your males inherit the gene, accounting for a total of about 26% of the offspring inheriting the banana trait?

Would depend what you paired it to.

Actually no it shouldn’t. Why wouldn’t be 50%?

I feel like it should be 50% I think you’re overthinking it or maybe I think you’re overthinking it and I’m under thinking it. I think…

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If you’re asking what I think you’re asking your answer is 50% of a bananas offspring will carry the banana trait. And of that 50% as deb suggested about 99% would be male bananas if a male maker, female if a female maker.

I’m asking because common sense would tell me that heterozygous banana males would pass on a copy of their banana gene about 26% of the time.

For example, lets say that a banana male maker male sires 16 clutches consisting of a total of 100 eggs over a 4 year period of time. If the offspring consisted of half male and females, my theory is that there would be about 25 male bananas and (maybe) 1 female banana, but in order to achieve the advertised 50% inheritance rate, 49-50/50 of the male offspring would need to be banana.

To re-iterate, in practice, when breeding male maker bananas, is nearly every male produced a banana, or are only about half of the males bananas?

50%. Breed a banana to a normal you will get 50% banana, 50% normal. You’re making it more complicated than it is I think


Let’s not forget that odds are per egg, once could have a 10 egg clutch from banana to normal and hatch 8 bananas.

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So according to you, nearly all male offspring produced by a male maker will be banana in order to account for the lack of females and achieve the advertised 50%, correct?

They could all be bananas, there could be no bananas.
But I want to know, “about” what % of the male offspring produced from a male maker will carry the banana gene, is it about half as I hypothesize? Or is it nearly all the males, offsetting the lack of females and achieving the 50% odds that most people claim?

Male makers will predominantly produce male Banana and combos while the rest of the clutch (non banana will be female)

Female makers will predominantly produce female Bananas while the rest of the clutch (non banana will be male)

It is rare for it not to be textbook and the general consensus has been around 3% meaning a Male Maker will produce about 3% female Bananas and vice versa.

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What exactly do you mean by “predominately”?

In your experience, about what % of males produced from a male maker will inherit the banana gene?

Is it about half of the males, or the vast majority of the males?

I have a good idea of the odds of producing a non-male from male maker, that information is easily available.

In your experience, about what % of males produced from a male maker will inherit the banana gene?

In a clutch sired by a male maker banana the non banana offsprings will be females and the Banana offspring will be males so if the clutch is textbook and not falling in the 3% exception the answer is ALL


Thank You.

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Hey, a banana owner here!
Well, the thing is that unlike all the other morphs, banana gene locus happens to be on X and Y chromosome and as such, it’s tied together with snake’s gender. Should you have a female banana(Xbanana + Xnormal), she can produce both females and males in about 50% ratio regardless of gender as half the offsprings inherit X banana and half X normal chromosome. Banana offsprings could be then Xbanana X normal girls or X banana Y normal boys. These boys, producing females in the future pass on X banana genes thus are named female makers. Their male offsprings are normal since they inherit Y normal chromosome.
However, should the mutation be present on Y chromosome, male banana genome consists of X normal Y banana chromosomes and as such, all future females inherit X normal from him and X from other parent. Meanwhile, males with inherited Y banana mutation are all bananas. As such, super banana males, for example, have a combo of Xbanana and Ybanana and are thus both male and female makers. Female supers also give all bananas regardles of gender, however their sons are always female makers, since they inherited X banana.
But to make things even more confusing, there is the process called cross over. Basicaly, you have a pair of coresponding chromosomes (from mother and from father respectively) and they switch parts with each other. This happens only rarely, however this is the reason why sometimes malemaker produces a female banana and vice versa. It’s because banana mutation in male crossed over from Y to X chromosome. Again, it works both ways. And as far as i know, crossover ration is somewhere under 5% or in other words, whatever maker can give you unexpected banana in about 1 in 20 banana offsprings. Or less. Or never. Or more often. Again, this is statistics. Real results may vary a bit because murphy laws.


Yep so all males from a male maker banana should be banana, very rarely do I get non banana males from male maker banana. On average you have about a 5% chance of hatching both females and non banana males in my experience. I was lucky enough to hatch 2 female bananas this year and female bananas have chance of producing male and female bananas so the percentage changes for fm bananas. So the 50% on average is correct assuming eggs have a 50-50 shot at being either male or female

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