Hi guys just starting my first breeding season and have really took a liking to special Mojave (crystals) . So recently purchased a big super Mojave girl and a baker line special male that I have been pairing together the last two months . My question is what can we do to really bring out some colours and different patterns in the crystal? Apart from pastel and enchi what seems to be very popular also het hypo and pied also seems to bring out something different there doesn’t look to be much more experimenting going on or am I missing something ?
Crystals are great looking, but their pattern can be quite faint and light so it can be hard to get a lot of pattern or color. Spiders, pinstripe sometimes leopards can add a lot of pattern and more contrast. That’s why people use Enchi to change up the pattern as well. Maybe a gene such as trick, hurricane or nanny type morphs could help some. Yellow belly can change up pattern and color, although not always dramatically. Also you are right, sometimes het. Pied or het. Hypo even het clown can produce different looks-but definitely hit or miss. Hets Do not always produce any visual effect, so that’s probably not a great way to go for different pattern.
Here’s my current baby that I’m scratching my head over.
I’m pretty certain he’s a world first so figuring him out is a mystery
crystal Fire Citrus pastel Coral Glow probable enchi possible Orange ghost or het OG
In person he’s a gorgeous pale yellow color with almost iridescent eye stripes. Beautiful to me but can be confused with a mojo lesser too easily methinks.
But… The pattern is just completely gone otherwise. Even under blacklight. The only difference I can tell between him and his super mojo sibs is the yellow, his pronounced eyestripes without the dirtiness and under blacklight he’s more blotched looking.
Someone posted a stunning super enchi super special a while back… But it looks like adding coral glow or hypo might be a bit more of a washout?
Clown!! Crystal clowns would be magical
It’s not too bad actually! I’m normally not a fan of clowns but I could get behind this.
Yeah, I mentioned that one above. Such a gorgeous snake. But not a crystal.
Super enchi crystal might definitely be a consideration and one I might try for next year myself.
What do you guys think about mixing the candy gene in with a crystal?
Maby getting some of that Violet in with the crystal do you think it would take ?