Does anyone know what the numbers mean behind specific colours/morphs? I’m quite new to crested gecko’s but I was looking to get a axanthic from a breeder in my area and they send me a list of gecko’s and most of them were put like this:
Axan LW 60
Axan 55
Axan 24/24
Axan 31/24
And I have no clue what it means but i’ve come across it in the past and on expo’s.
Never seen it before, it’s not commonly used in the hobby The only numbers ive seen around have been 50, 66, and 100 which tells you how likely they are to carry a certain trait, and 1.0, 0.1, and 0.0.1 which is to tell their sex with 1.0 being male, 0.1 being female, and 0.0.1 being unsexed
Hmn odd, i’ve seen those too yes and I know what they mean. But I don’t quite understand these numbers haha. But these are all visuals axans so he’s not talking about the odds of them having het axan. I guess I better ask him himself. Thanks for your reply tho.
Curious myself as if visual then it’s not the het percentage.
And others look like date of birth?