Yeah, I found a little one last week when I was digging around in the dirt for the naturalist class I teach at work. I also found a millipede, so I scooped them both into little containers and showed people the differences between them.
I’ve always thought that centipedes kind of look like demonic millipedes. Like if a millipede made some sort of Faustian deal with the devil to be more dangerous and intimidating.
I’ll have to say, bearded dragons…I’m not hating on ANYBODY that owns them, I think they’re beautiful and pretty cool creatures, but they’re really not the reptile for me. My friend has 8 of them though!
Especially with “industry leaders” doing asinine things like posting intentional bite pics from animals that are known to have caused significant cases but acting like it is fun or that they are doing it for “educational purposes”
No responsible keeper or real educator would every allow themselves to be intentionally bitten by ANY kind of venomous animal
The best hot keepers I know are embarrassed and ashamed of themselves any time they have taken a bite, even minor* ones
*(there are no “minor” bites when dealing with hots)
Anything venomous or poisonous for obvious reasons, most bugs, frogs/turtles/ salamanders/ axolotls etc. I just don’t do well with aquatic pets. And of course dangerous stuff like alligator and crocodile. Oh and giat snakes like burms and retics. I like gators and burms but they’re just too big for me to own.