I just thought this would be fun to see what y’all thought!
Keep in mind that other people might say the reptile that you own…but that’s just because everybody has their own preferences!
You can say reptiles you’ve owned in the past that you didn’t enjoy, or reptiles you just wouldn’t own because of your own feelings towards them.
I’ll get started! I say Dart Frogs… just because they are so teeny tiny I feel like I would do something wrong and accidentally hurt one!! I don’t do good with tiny things…but they sure are beautiful creatures!
Long ago I found out that I wasn’t an iguana guy. I’d never own a dangerously venomous snake, though there are lots of people qualified to do so. I once almost talked myself into a Pygmy rattler.
Anything hot! I just don’t get the hot people. There are soooo many non-hot species that come in tons of morphs. Why even bother with something that can kill you if you make a tiny mistake?
Bearded dragons - They’re just not for me; their care is relatively extensive and I’m just not interested in that for an animal that I find quite boring
My ‘Nope’ list includes (but is not limited to) the following:
Anything deemed medically significant
Any of the “giants” (Burms, mainland retics, olive pythons, amethystina)
Large monitors
Aquatic turtles/lizards/salamanders/frogs
Sulcata, Aldabra, Galops, or any other large tort
Any species that I believe I cannot properly house based on the lifestyle of the animal (e.g, Drymarchon, because of how insanely active they are and how much room they would properly require)
Anything for “flash” or “trendy” or “status” purpose (the craze that always seems to happen around things like Boelens or WLPs)
Anything that eats a diet of mostly crickets or roaches - because the allergies will kill me - or fruit flies - because I hate then they escape and swarm
My situation is a bit different than most but I would keep them regardless. I’m a rehabber and unfortunately also have to do translocations when there are human/rattlesnake conflicts which is quite often given most people’s fear of snakes. It’s best for me to keep on my toes all year around to ensure I’m ready and steady when rehab/relocation season comes around.
The answer is simply, don’t make mistakes. Keeping venomous is not sensational if done correctly. I open the door, hook them into a bin, clean the cage, hook them back in. Occasionally I take them outside to get some real sunlight but it’s done quite safely and photos are taken with a selfie stick or zoom lenses. I’m very rural and have property so there is no risk to anyone else.
At the end of the day it boils down to safety protocols and experience. I’ve been handling rattlesnakes for over a decade and have lived around them my entire life. I’ve never even had a close call
Sorry to derail the conversation but with that said…Bearded Dragons. I would never under any circumstances bring one into my home
anything Hot or Burmese python/retic/female boa constructor, I’m a small woman ,i want to be able to be safe at all times with no supervision when handling animals and i get easily distracted. i would die stupidly to a venomous pet reptile the same day of getting that animal.LOL
Front-fanged venomous. Basically anything where the bite might kill me. I just don’t trust myself to not make stupid mistakes. That said, there are many venomous species I love, and I have loads of respect for people who keep such wonderful animals responsibly. However, this only applies to reptiles. I’ve got no issue with keeping medically significant spiders (have one currently), just because I feel it’s much easier to avoid a bite from those by exercising some basic common sense.
Aquatic turtles, or basically anything aquatic enough to require more than a large water dish to have a high quality of life. Anytime I read the words “high-quality filtration system” paired with “frequent water changes” on a care sheet, my brain goes “Nope!” Having to worry about water quality just adds a whole other level of complexity that I’m not prepared to deal with.
I don’t currently have the space for giant snakes or large lizards. I love them, and I don’t rule out the possibility of getting some if I ever have the space to house them, but for now, my female BI is the largest reptile I can reasonably accommodate. Even finding space for something like a small monitor would be challenging (if not impossible) right now.
Most tortoises, also for space issues. I have nowhere to house them outdoors, and even most smaller tortoise species require more space than I can give them right now.
Ball pythons. They’re wonderful, adorable snakes, but for some reason they’ve just never really appealed to me.
Hmm, any cobra species, despite them being so cool, even if they are de-fanged and de-venomed. I own a green iguana and despite them being so cool and I will always have a soft spot, not seeing myself owning one for a little bit.
eastern indigos- just don’t get the hype. I am much more interested in yellow tails and Texas indigos.
boelens python- even if they were affordable, I just don’t understand what everyone sees so appealing.
croc monitors- too big and that bite can make your hand or even life go bye bye
cobras- just too defensive and quick that I would be comfortable with
Indian star tortoises- I am just not a fan of them
most crocodilians- other than the two dwarf caimans, they are just too big and dangerous.
elephant trunk snakes/tentacle snakes- I love both of them just not the right type of pet for me due to their care
alligator snapping turtle- I have always loved commons due to their intelligence and interesting morphology; both of which seem to have been traded off for… bigger and stronger mouth!
Gila monster- they just seem to me like worse beaded lizards. Mexican beadeds are just a much more attractive option for me
bearded seals- too long of an incubation time
dart frogs- I just don’t like MOST species and would rather save the space for more toads
And incase anyone is wondering why I only said cobra and not hots, it is because I do plan on having a small venomous collection. However, the only reason for this is I plan on being a reptile specialist vet and would like to eventually be able to see hots. I will have pretty much all safety measures in place to keep me safe. One of the big “extras” I plan on having is that they will be kept in a separate room that is going to be secured and have multiple cameras in every enclosure and around the room that will be monitored to make sure each snake is secure before entering. And of course many years of mentorship.
I like your plan for the hots. I don’t foresee myself ever keeping any, mostly because I’m just not that interested in them.
Other reptiles I probably will never own are the big snakes (Burmese, retics, Anacondas) any kind of crocodilians (Why would you keep them in the first place?) Bearded Dragons (Not super interesting, yeah they’re kinda cute, but there are other lizards I’d want first. Might think about the super red ones, but those are reallllllllyyy expensive) and anything that’s pretty much a display animal. I like holding my pets too much lol.
Listen I know they play a great role in the micro environment and are really cool predators, but my caveman brain says that they are NOT friend shaped!
I’ll stick with their slower, friendlier opposites, millipedes! (Yes many can release noxious chemicals, but just don’t sass them and they won’t sass you)
I feel this. Centipedes skeeve me out in a way that few animals do. That said, they have kind of been growing on me a bit lately. There are some species that have really beautiful colours. I’m still pretty sure I won’t ever have one as a pet, but I’ve gotten to the point where I do kind of enjoy watching videos of them, and I no longer completely lose my when I find one while digging around in the dirt. The way they move both fascinates and terrifies me.
I permit him in my home to eat other pests and I will give him respectful distance and THAT’S IT You’d think something with that many legs would be clumsy but man can they GO
I was gardening yesterday and found a 2 inch red centipede under a rock and simply made a loud noise while holding the rock still and allowing him to crawl away unharmed so that’s progress