What is everybodys hungirest or most defensive reptile?

Hey guys, figured Id do a for-fun topic so you guys can talk about those reptiles that just “cant stand you” or want to literally consume you lol. I personally don’t have any “super defensive or crazy hungry” reptiles. My one 2017 normal female boa constrictor will snap at me now and then for no apparent reason though, that is how she got her name Snapdragon :rofl:


This is more of a “what is everyones hungriest reptile” or “most defensive reptile”. That said, my hungriest reptile is my rosy boa. She has an urge to eat everything. Even tried to eat a blanket once. What is worse is that she is a runt and forever around 50 grams, so there is no safe way to get her out of her enclosure or handle her without the chance of her trying to consume all (including my fingers). She even tried to eat my snake hook once.


My 2 problem children are both arabesques. My adult KRP Arab girl is prone to biting me without any indication it’s coming, which is ontop of her very high food drive. The 2nd girl is one of my neonates from this past spring and she thinks everything is out to get her.


I totally worded this wrong, I should have said most defensive or hungriest. You are totally correct on the fact that there is no “mean” reptiles and I wasnt thinking when I posted it sorry. I have corrected it to what makes more sense.


Baby snakes :sweat_smile:


It’s not my mbk. it’s none of my pythons. Not even any of our tarantulas. It’s this jerkasaurus minirex. Hands down I’ve been bit more by this guy than any other animal I’ve ever had. He’s an angry elf for sure.


lol :rofl:


One of my hognoses is a bit of a jerk. She has bitten me once but generally she’s all bark and no bite. She’ll repeatedly hiss and bluff strike while in your hand. She’s calmed down a bit but still pretty angry lol. Her name is Soba, but everyone calls her Karen.


One of my current snakes is the spazziest snake I’ve ever handled. She hasn’t ever struck at me, but she flails, tail whips, and musks every time I try to hold her. And she is the type who is happy to take a flying leap out of my hands - she doesn’t hang on or wrap around your arms at all.


Hungriest is a long list. Retics at the top. Basically every boa I own. Pretty much every breeder female in the ball python room :man_shrugging:

Most defensive is a shorter list. Surprisingly it’s topped by an 7-8 year old Pinstripe Het Ultramel ball python. He will bite the palm of your hand through his coils if you don’t give him a better target. If he has any target at all he’ll swing for it. Next would be a young zebra jungle carpet.
Behind that are a couple of the boas, especially the new Kahl Albino baby. He’s a real jerk. One of my retics can be handful occasionally too.


My hungriest is a tie between my GHI ghost and my leopard mochi My GHI ghost is ALWAYS watching me for food and my leopard mochi will come at me with her mouth wide open before I can even get the rat within her line of sight.

And my most defensive is my female stimsons python, thou she is also pretty hungry and tried eating the water bottle I used to fill up her water bottle. My male is pretty darn defensive too and is always looking for food


Willow acts like eating is going out of style…


Our Ackie.
He acts like he’s starving every day!! Hears a tub and shoots out :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:


The biggest ball python I have unsure of morph, eats any frozen prey item no matter if she’s shedding or not, she is always hungry but not snappy.


I only have leopard geckos but there is one who loves food. Everytime I open her cage she thinks it’s feeding time and runs around trying to eat everything (humid hide moss, poop, etc; though she’s never swallowed it, just spits it out). I’ve started opening it with a roach in tongs so she has something better to eat. She’s bit me a couple times in her food craze but usually calms down. I’ve started handling her without feeding so she hopefully doesn’t make the association between opening the tub and food.


What kind of snake is she?


Im sure if you added a picture of her, some people could help you out with that :slightly_smiling_face:

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She’s one of my corns. Every now and then you get a crazy one!


One of my snow corns used to be like that, got him from a breeder who didnt handle him, he would whip around like a psycho when i took him out and he bit me on the hand once too when i let my guard down. But now that Ive had him for a few months and gotten to handle him every 1-2 days he has calmed down drastically.


Yeah, sometimes it can just be from lack of handling (or feeding!). I took in one that was pretty severely underfed. He would literally strike at the glass when I would walk by. Once he started getting fed regularly and handled, he calmed right down. Now I can reach in with no hesitation and I’m completely confident with handing him to one of my kids.

My spazzy one though - I think that’s just how she is!