What is its morph?

Just got this baby, its in a temporary quarantine tank. I was wondering what its morph might be.


Judging from the spikes I’d say she could be a dunner which causes the spikes to go in many different directions than just the regular one way. she’s definitely a hypo since she has clear nails, she could also be citrus from all the yellow I’m seeing but that’s just a guess there’s no blue so can’t be a blue bar and the eyes indicate she’s not trans but of course this is all just a guess from the picture. So my guess is a dunner hypo citrus. A way to tell if she’s dunner I’ve found is to check the direction of the scales on her beard as my dunner females scales go to her chin instead of her belly. Hope this helps.

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Thank you so much for your response, the scales on her beard are going down towards her belly, so hypo citrus might be her morph then?

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Yeah that’s my guess anyway I could be always be wrong