What Kind of Morph is Jasper?

I got Jasper a few months ago, but I’m unsure of his morph. He’s 1 year old. I’ve seen pictures of ones that look like him and I believe he’s a Red Phantom/Dalmatian but I want to get some more opinions as well. I don’t know how else I’d find out what he is, or if theres another way. I’m new to using the community space and any help is welcome!! (Here are some pics of him! Also he’s a very dark red in person)


Ohhhh he’s gorgeous
You’ve got yourself a very, very pretty Red Phantom Dalmation with portholes. One of my favorite kinds of cresties lol


Thank you!!

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He really is pretty! He’s a really nice size too! I wish my boy would add a little weight to his long and lean frame! :blush:

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Are you positive it’s a male? from the pictures, it looks like it could be a female.

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I agree! I don’t see any do dads! :joy:

These were from a few months ago and they were still nowhere but now they’re peeking out a little (I think). Should I send another pic?

if you want to, feel free, you said he was about a year? He’s pretty big, and I know even females can sometimes have smaller lumps sometimes

Yeah, I got him in July and he was round 6 months, so I’m guessing he’s over a year.

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I still say female

I agree with caron, looks like a gal to me!

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Is it possible Jasper is a late bloomer or is that not really a thing?

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It could happen, but looking at his confirmation, I’d say he’s more likely to be a gal. He’s got that slightly more chunky look that the females have.

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No pores or balls showing.
So you have a little girl! Congratulations :partying_face:

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Cool, thanks for telling me!

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