What morph do I have?

We adopted this guy a couple months ago, and he’s still pretty young! We were wondering what kind of morph he was, or what to call it!


Aaawwwww! He is adorable! I love his little tongue sticking out! I know nothing about morphs but he looks like he has some red coloring though. Someone will come along with answers. @ghoulishcresties will probably be able to help you…… but he is a cute little boy! :lizard::+1::sunglasses:


He’s a phantom, their base-colour can be difficult to tell when they’re still tiny, but if you know what his parents looked like that might give you an idea :blush:


He/she is a lovely phantom with brindle and reverse pinning also!

Defo get some parent pics, but going by markings I’d say Quadstripe was in lines somewhere.

Worth pairing to a phantom quad :black_heart:


Oh whoa, I had no idea! Thats so cool, thank you so much!

We sadly can’t get pics of the parents… A friend gave him to me and just told me he came from petsmart a few months ago! Who knows where the parents are from at that point! :pensive:


That’s so cool; I had no idea! I thought he might have just been a normal/standard crestie! Thank you so much!

We can’t get pics of his parents though sadly; we inherited him from a friend who told us just now that he got him from petsmart a few months ago :pensive:

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Thank you! The lil tongue pic is probably my favorite of him! I’m so attached to this little weirdo :joy:
I’m getting good answers, and its so exciting!

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Such a cute frogbut (no tail) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I wouldn’t recommend breeding this gecko but yes he or she is a phantom reverse pin brindle.

Cresties are amazing, congrats :star_struck: have you thought of a name?

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No problem! Normal isn’t really a thing when it comes to crestie morphs, since they’re polygenic - Even the most “standard” ones carry at least 3 genes, black base, tigering, and either orange pattern or white pattern (:


In the uk many list Harley’s as ‘normals’ or patternless.

As said there’s no ‘normal’ Crestie.

It’s all over the place with names! Hence morphpedia! Haha.


Maybe normal should be taken off as an option. I certainly don’t own a normal crestie, they all crazy :crazy_face::woozy_face::rofl:


Oh for sure! We wouldn’t breed him, he’s just a cute lil guy(or gal!). No one wanted him apparently because of his lil frog butt :frowning:
We’re making custom terrarium tags and wanted to include the morphs of our reptiles, sooo I started lookin into it!

We decided to name him Iggy! My niece called him ‘icky’ from licking his eye, so Iggy just stuck :joy:


I love a Gecko with a tail, but I wouldn’t count out a Gecko without it as any gecko could drop their tail!

I have a little frogbut here that I’m debating about keeping :thinking:

Love the name :grin:

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