What morph is my crested gecko male?

Ive recently swapped back over to cresties for breeding and Ive had my gecko Beamer for awhile now and was curious what he mainly is, he also has some red cluster spots on his lower lateral in front of his back leg. Hes estimated around 3 years old but I don’t know his lineage or anything like that. Obviously he has dalmatian in him but Im uncertain what else


Looks like a black/dark base harlequin with mainly orange pattern but a hint of white as well. Partial pinstriping, and dalmatian like you mentioned yourself (: Check out the Foundation Genetics guide FG-PT2.0 » LIL MONSTERS Reptiles it’s such an amazing help if you want to know more about the traits and genetics


That’s one cutie patootie! :blush::lizard::wink::+1:

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I agree it looks to be a dark base, harlequin, part pin, Dalmatian. Doesn’t look like orange pattern to me & I can’t find the red spots.

Are you planning on breeding him?

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Thank you guys, I am breeding him yes! I have 2 eggs from him that should be hatching in early june. The red spot patch is covered by his back leg, I will post a photo later showing them :slight_smile:


Just as a heads up, with no lineage you’ll likely not be able to sell as easily as you would with lineage. You have no info on parents genes, what he may be carrying, and what he’ll produce. Most recommend against it.

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I was asking about his morphs nothing else. Im well aware that not having lineage can decrease value but thank you for the advice regardless :slight_smile:

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Yes please! We all love pics here! Best wishes for healthy babies! :pray::blush::crossed_fingers:

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To be fair, if the dam has good lineage then this might not affect the price too much.

However Dalmatian harlequins are not sought after Geckos. But then you may plan to keep them all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Heres his what Im assuming are his red dal spots