What morph is she?

Depends on who you ask :joy: According to morphpedia flames have “little to no” pattern, so some allow a little some none. Genetically it’s pm the same :blush: Most of the time you can tell when they hatch what morph they’re gonna be, or at least get a pretty good idea. Some traits are harder to identify though


First is a lovely phantom Dalmatian with portholes!

Second Harley partial pin, portholes again x


Agree with ghoulish on the babies, however I don’t think the first one is a phantom, the distinction in colour between the base and pin is too big I think it’s gonna grow it’s colours - both have got het markers for Empty Back as well

So both would be harley partial pins pos het empty back, first one with dal spots


Do you mind explaining the pos het empty back for me?
These two were produced by my two u just posted (luna x Helios) would that mean they have the EB gene?

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Pos het EB is short for possibly heterozygous empty back meaning they likely carry one copy of the empty back gene, but you can’t say for sure since their parents aren’t proven. Heterozygous means that they only carry one copy, meaning they got it from only one parent not both. If they got it from both it would be homozygous or hzg, which would have looked different, their backs would be pretty much entirely empty of pattern. This girl (Luna) is definitely not EB, but looking at Helios he looks like he likely is het as well, considering both of these look pos het EB (areas that lack pattern down their dorsals that get more prominent as they reach the tail-root, as well as the marks of no pattern that both have on their tail about a cm down) i’d say it’s very very likely. However, you do technically have to produce super EBs to be certain if the parents aren’t proven/from proven lines, like i explained in your Apollo post. So i would consider them all (Helios + babies) likely het EB :blush:


Ohh ok I see! Thank you that makes a lot more sense now!

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I’m late tho the convo :pensive:…I don’t see empty back at all and unless you’ve got genetics of grandparents etc then it’s highly unlikely to have it

For me, unless it’s a visual or proven in the family then I don’t like to mention it as there’s still so much hidden genetics that a gecko can have and could be never ending :sweat_smile:

So proud @logar your really getting there hang of it :+1: