What morph/ morphs? 🤔

Hey everyone! Just got this guy from a friend of a friend because he was getting rid of his collection but got no info on him.:upside_down_face: Wanted to see if anyone might be able to help me figure out his morph/ morphs. I plan to breed him with my normal female once ive gotten him settled in and know he is healthy and they are both of size and would like to know.:man_shrugging:t2: also any other info/ tips for breeding, health, and quality of life is always appreciated! Thanks for any help! :slightly_smiling_face:

P.s. This is not his permanent setup! Just temporary for a week or two to keep an eye on him better!

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Even as a temporary setup you need more than this. Put some paper towels down for substrate, get some boxes with holes cut in them, a fake plant or two, etc.

A bare enclosure is just going to create a stressed animal.

But as for the morph I am guessing he is a banana lesser @armiyana

And you absolutely shouldn’t be breeding him with a normal. You are just going to create animals that aren’t going to sell or even giving away.


As Logar said, you really shouldn’t breed with a normal, and you also shouldn’t breed if you don’t have a plan in mind. the market for BPs is super oversaturated, and it can be extremely difficult to sell the babies.


Definitely will do that! Thank you! And i only thought i would breed him with the normal to prove morphs possibly, i will refrain! I would rather put him with something else anyways and try to see what cool stuff i can produce. Thank you again!!


Yeah, breeding to prove out tends to be more important for new morphs. And since your male is “lower” quality, it just overall wouldn’t be the best idea with the current market.


Popping in as requested. Thanks for the tag Logar~
Do you at least know about how old this guy is? I think Banana, Lesser and enchi. There’s a bit more banding to the pattern then just banana lesser methinks. But the lack of freckles is pretty common when you have a BEL gene in banana.

I definitely agree on getting him set up with a bit more comfort. He’ll settle in faster and you can get a better idea on his health if he’s not stressing out.

Also a third voice against breeding to a normal. There’s just a lot of other ways you can go about proving out what this guy is. At the very least, a visual recessive will give you all het offspring even if you hit a normal. Something like an ivory(super yellow belly) or other kind of allelic morph can be a good way to do this too. Every offspring will have a visual gene from mom guaranteed that way.
If you do decide to pick up a Blue eyed Lucy, I would avoid picking up one with another lesser or butter gene just in case. Butter and Lesser are two different names for the same gene. When you have two copies of that gene, the babies can be born with bug eyes.


Would you believe me if I say that was my first guess :sweat_smile:

I already got him some fake plants and paper towels in after the comment earlier! Now between those and his hide i think he’ll be better off! And after looking around some i was kinda thinking something along those lines with the morphs but wanted a few opinions to back me up!


I do have a buddy with a few ivories i may be able to get my hands on one pretty easily! May have to try it out! :eyes:Does sound like a much more reasonable option! Thats why i came around for advice!

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I’d say banana lesser enchi, but I’m guessing here.