What reptile frightens you the most?

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I don’t think fear is the right word for most of the people here. I can honestly say there’s not a single reptile I can think of that I’d be afraid to come across. I prefer the phrase “healthy respect” lol. If I was going to pick one though it would probably be one of my favorites, the komodo dragon. Snakes for the most part just want to get away from you, crocodillians are easy to stay away from, and nothing else really poses a threat. But komodos have the speed and food drive to chase a person and regularly attack large animals including people when hungry, and they have a nasty venomous and bacteria ridden bite. Thats not to say that there aren’t others who wouldn’t make me nervous if caught off guard, but if I can see them I’m not worried about what they’re doing because I know I’m giving them the space and respect they deserve. Komodos don’t always want to give a person that space.


I dont really fear venomous reptiles nor do I fear big powerful reptiles any more than say a large mammalian predator. Rather similar to what @thebeardedherper said above just have “healthy respect” and admire from a distance species who can rip one apart or kill with venom and a good respect and admiration for every thing else that one can safely interact with.

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Tarantulas for me.
No specific, just Spiders.

In particular, though, old world species. Dont get me wrong, i dont like or relish to have any interaction with a new world species, but the oldies are just different.

In my opinion, they just look even creepier, theyre just different and scare the life out of me. The way they move, the molt, the fangs, the whole on their back legs thing.

Yet i cant stop watching them on YouTube. Bizzare!


I don’t fear many reptiles but an adult male Komodo charging me down would scare the crap out of me.


@nathan_e i agree with you 100%!!! lol

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The true most terrifying reptile:

sPidEr bALl PYtHoNs aRe sCArY bECaUsE tHeY WObBle liKe mY gRAnNy wHo HaD PArKiNsoNs aNd tHaT mUSt mEaN THeY HaVe sNaKE pArKInSoNs aNd tHAt mEaNs iT iS bAd aNd yOUtuBe ToLd mE tHeY aRe bAD sO i sAy tHeY arE bAd t0o AnD nEuRoLoGicAL iS aScaRY w0rD fURtHeR pRo0F tHat THeY iS bAd


I think its centipedes for me :woman_shrugging:


That looks like it took so much effort to type out :joy:


I find them oddly satisfying to watch, the way the legs all move in a wave. Also they remind me of the luggage in Diskworld :joy:


Far too much lol. Not worth.

Also obligatory post, it’s a dig yes but it’s in jest. If you don’t feel comfortable with spiders that is ok.

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Not that I’m actually afraid of being attacked by one, but crocs creep me out. Also I second the tarantulas. My tarantula creeps me out. I don’t know why I even have it. Because in some weird way I think it’s cool, I suppose.


You have a tarantula and you are scarred of them. I wonder how you care for it? I have no clue how much care they need except that you have to feed it. Are you not worried than that every time you open it’s enclosure to feed it, it jumps on you or crawls on your hand?

I’m not scared for spiders myself, I just never had the urge to have them myself.

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You really don’t want to get inbetween them when they a busy like that :hot_face:.i’m just happy there is no chance whatsoever I’ll find one like that in my backgarden. It will simply not fit inside. My garden is hardly bigger than a stamp :grin:


Anacondas. Period. Id take a defensive Viper or Cobra any day over an anaconda.
To be fair, i’m not afraid of the animal itself, It’s just I’d rather swim with shards in chummed water.

Anacondas live mostly in water, and I have nightmares of swimming in dark/murky water and one coming up from the bottom and grabbing me. I think downing/asphyxiation would be the worst way to die.

On the other hand - they are beautiful animals and I very much like LOOKING at them… but that’s it. Titania boa fascinates me and they (the scientific community they) that the Green Anacondas are the closest living link to Titania.


I kind of get the whole being scared of a Tarantula but wanting to own one. Its that fear (mine is definately a fear…) but kinda knowing its behind glass and cant get to you? Think theyre amazing to look at but without something between us im off! And thats exactly why i couldnt own one. As states above, how do you look after the thing!?

Some years ago i went into a reptile shop and she keeps the freezers and live food behind the counter. I asked for a box of crickets. She turned around to get them and had a bloody great black and orange thing on her shoulder. I almost died and couldnt even stay to recieve my change. True story :joy:


Honestly, don’t come for me y’all, but I’m scared of pretty much every big or venomous snake out there. I was raised in a home that was terrified of snakes, and was taught to fear them (even harmless). Growing up I had terrible nightmares of venomous snakes killing me, or anacondas swallowing me whole. If you asked me what animal I hated/feared the most, I answered “snakes.” True story.

Obviously that has changed now. I realize they are wonderful and fascinating animals, and I own some smaller harmless species myself. I’m still working through my fear. At this point in time, would I handle a well mannered common boa? Yes. A burmese? Probably. A retic? Maybe. Venomous? Heck no. I’ll leave that to the professionals and the experienced, lol. As for large lizards, mostly any of them that can cause serious damage I am wary of. Spiders are honestly a maybe from me, I fear them but am considering getting a good starter eventually.

Still, I love to see them behind glass and watch the experienced handle them. They are amazing animals, truly. Please spare me your judgement! Haha.

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@xflavell sounds like a brachypelma species. I was hoping to get a Tarantula or two but couldnt because they are still currently forbidden as a pet because of being venomous. I wanted to get a Caribena versicolor female (formally Avicularia versicolor) for a new world and for an old world I wanted the blue pokie from India (Poecilotheria metallica).

@beast-blade-wolf_987 bloody terrifying!

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I find them creepy – not scary :slight_smile: . Really all the more care that it takes is feeding it and keeping its water dish full. And no, it really doesn’t move fast at all so I’m not afraid of it jumping on me. The only time it crawled on me was when I was transferring it to a new enclosure once.