What reptile frightens you the most?

See my reply above. It really doesn’t make any attempt to escape. I can take the top off and feed/water it with no issues.

@xflavell Both T’s I mentioned are aboreal and can jump. The Caribena versicolor has a painful bite but its venom is weak and it tends to flick defensive hairs off its butt in defense more than bite. The Poecilotheria metallica on the other hand doesnt have the hairs on its butt to flick in defence is a lot more defensive in nature (def not handleable like the Caribena is) and among T’s has one of the worst bites with potent venom. It wont kill a healthy human but will make the human miserable for weeks and even into the months category. General rule with T’s is New worlds have weaker venom defensive butt hairs and a calmer attitude where old worlds are more skittish/defensive lack the butt hairs but have more powerful venom.

  1. Any python over 8 feet; when they bite it’s devastating, hundreds of stitches.
  2. Large Varanus species, which are swift, powerful, and toothy.

They’re all beautiful, but those are the ones I stay furthest away from in person.

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Centipedes aren’t reptiles.

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@beast-blade-wolf_987 i think Ts are exceptionally interesting, but your last post is pretty much the whole reason im terrified lol. Nothing on this planet needs 8 legs!

Before i upset anyone, im not against anything each to their own. :slightly_smiling_face:


I think the scariest reptiles are the ones in office.


I made an exception since I see them at every reptile show


I uh. Mines more of an amphibian?
But toads and frogs.
They gross me out, bad. Everything about them, I’m just grossed out.


Eastern Diamondbacks. Of all the herps I’ve encountered in the wild, they are the biggest/baddest. And you are generally way too close when you do find them!

Nothing in a cage can intimidate me. But, I do respect the cage. :slight_smile:


Pygmy Rattle snakes. They are just so tiny! And their venom is deadly, they also look just like rocks so you can barely see them. I like seeing them terrariums but not in my backyard


Of all the reptiles I can think of the Fer de lance is pretty scary but I don’t think I’m actually “afraid” of any reptile

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Spooky! I saw one at a herpeterium yesterday it was very pretty. I had no idea it had fangs like that!

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They’re pretty creepy but I think I might ent up trying to catch one :joy:

Be careful then :snake: :dragon_face:

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Ha ha I’ll do my best

any species of croc/gator


I am 100% with you on that one.


Salt water crocodile, unless it was behind a safe fence. Komodo dragon or anything that is likely to ambush me for dinner. In controlled environment, I’m not afraid of reptiles.

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Spiders. No matter of size or species. In or out of tank/box, whatever. Including Skin(?) of a tarantula. I have now trying to be, in same room with tarantula,(That I don’t even see in its box) hold it’s skin, watch pictures of spiders. Videos still make me throw my phone :rofl:

What happens when I see spiders? It depends on if there is childrens around. I try not to panick, I talk that they are beautiful (usually harmless) animals, but meantime I take eye contact to animal(so it can’t jump on me) and move slowly further. I try not to cry, scream or tremble…so little people don’t have same state of FEAR than I do.