What should I get?

I have a 4x2x4 enclosure that used to house my carpet python who is now upgrading to a 6x3x6. The current plan is to get some garter snakes for the smaller enclosure but what do you guys think? Are there any cool arboreal/semi-arboreal species that are handleable? Obviously I’ll do the research on any animal I put in there but maybe there’s something really cool that I just don’t know about yet. Thanks guys


Japanese Rat Snake, Elaphe climacophora! They can be kept at room temperature, they’re large enough to handle when they get big (my boy is a bit over 5’) and they’re just all around cool snakes. I never intended to own one, I adopted him as an “Albino rat snake” and realized very quickly he definitely wasn’t a New World species. They only come in wild type and Albino, as far as I know, but they’re so inquisitive and active, even non-snake people love watching my boy. The Albino morph is revered and actually has its own temple in Japan, where they’re known as the Iwakuni White Snake. Here’s a pic of my boy just having a rest.


Wow @noodlehaus! He is a looker! So you don’t any extra heat at all? That’s definitely on the plus side! I love his color! :blush:


No heat in the summer, room temp (low 70s) in winter. If it gets over about 82ºF he’ll just sit in his water dish and look disapprovingly at me until I turn the AC on. He’s such a beautiful mix of yellows and creams, and absolutely loves just climbing onto a branch or up into his hammock and just sitting to watch the world around him, so I get to look at him more than most of my snakes.


He sounds like the very most perfect noodle in the whole world! I am glad you have him! :+1:


My vote is for a Russian Rat Snake. They do not get the love they deserve. Very curious snakes that have great attitudes. Very rarely can I mess in my girls enclosure without her coming out onto me and wanting attention. They love to climb and would make the most out of an enclosure that size. They are also a larger colubrid and easy to take care of.


Reptiles and their judgy eyes!


Oh man that guy is simply stunning! Talk about picture perfect! :heart::clap::white_check_mark::+1:


That is a gorgeous snake.


Definitely will consider these guys. I’m doing research on them and I do like them so far, thank you so much!


They’re such an underrated species, and I’d never have considered them myself. Then I ended up with the boy I have and I’m considering breeding them because they’re just everything you could want in a larger colubrid.


I personally never considered them for myself. Honestly, the only Asian rat snakes I have ever considered were blue beauty rat snakes. I know they’re definitely bigger lol, but they’re awesome :wink:.


I’ll throw my own old world species in the mix - king rat snake. Large colubrid and share care similar to japanese rat snakes - keep room temperature/ low heat very active diurnal species


If you have a source of feeder lizards, any of the Asian vine snakes would be cool. Some people have had luck switching them to rodents, but don’t bet on it.


Anteresia pythons climb like mad and would have a grand old time in there. A Cape House Snake would love that much space and they will climb a bit especially if there’s enough jungley cover. Mandarin Rat Snakes are stunning if harder to find.