What to breed to make snow corn?

My GF just got a snow corn snake I believe Normal and I kinda made her interested into breeding some as a hobby but would like to know what’s the best female to get?

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Anything snow obviously (or Het snow). Could do some snow Tessera (any kind of Tessera honestly)… I think sun-kissed might be a good one to try. Anything that has Snow in the genes to make the morph itself.


Welcome to the community.:wave::blush:

You says your GF has just got the corn, do either of you have experience with other snakes/reptiles or is this your first?

I only ask because if this is your first snake I suggest you spend some time getting to know if this is the animal for you. The last thing you need is 10 baby snakes pipping a few days after you realise you have a new fear of snakes :blush:

I was about to tag Meerkatlyndz to answer your question but it seems she sensed her calling :joy::wave:

Also don’t forget to share some pictures of him :wink:


I have a bearded dragon for 5+ years and she had a snake her whole life before this one. Just wanted to take next steps.

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Not a good picture because this is when she first got him a few weeks back. She got a deal because the person said it only ate live but the first time we tried with frozen it ate no problem so guessing she might’ve heard it’s hard to switch them and never tried

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Seconding on the breeding. Have this one snake for a few years. Get a good solid baseline on taking care of a snake before thinking babies. Trust me, it seems damn simple but there’s a lot of nuance when it comes to keeping snakes, breeding, and raising babies.

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