What to do for impaction?

One of my hatchlings has become impacted. This has never happened to me before. What do I do? Should I soak him? Or try to massage the impaction out?

I had one of my females get impacted before. A warm soak and massage fixed it immediately.
I would definitely not recommend massaging them unless they have been soaked already.

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About how long did you soak, and do you have an approximation of how warm the water was? Or is the exact warmth unimportant

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This was a while ago but I probably soaked her for 15-20 mins and temp was around 80-85.

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Great! Thank you sososo much!

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Of course! Please keep us updated on how your little guy is doing!

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This video in particular is what helped with my girl. Doing this massage exactly is what I think really helped.

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Again, i cant thank you enough. I had no idea what to do and this worked wonders for the poor little guy. I did the massage and after a few times, PLOP. He’s empty and ill try to get a meal in him in a few days.


Yay! That’s fantastic I’m so glad it worked!


That is great that he is better, a good soak and massage always has worked for me. Just don’t rush him into the meal, I would wait a few days to let the stress settle, and him be a lot calmer first.


I know you are ok now, but., if a soak does not work, for future reference i recommended a bit more than a soak:-
In more stubborn cases I prefer to let them soak and swim in a shallow bath.
I find the serpentine swimming motion also helps.