What will y’all work with next?

Right now the only things I’m considering is a male tricolor hog for my female I’m raising up, and possibly later down the road getting into breeding retics.

We’ll have to see how it goes with my one retic boy, since big snakes are a lot of responsibility.


I haven’t actually bred any ball pythons yet. I know what I want to produce though. I’ve bought 1, 2 and 3 gene animals with only 2 recessive genes in the mix , clown and pied.
The genes next on my list to add in the collection are special and spot nose.


Hmmm, fat tails (when Grandpa wants to actually seduce his ladies) :joy:
Gargoyles and Royals!
That’s the plan for now atleast :blush:


Strictly focusing on the FLRT line of suriname boas. With the female we have (rosalie) and our male we get next month (emmit) those will put us in line for pure FLRT with no other bloodlines. While we keep ball pythons and a turtle my love lies in suriname boas. We would love to keep many others including morph boas but I have too stay diligent and focused in what we’d like to achieve first.

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We’re ramping up for a move so once that’s complete my main focus is upgrading all our enclosures before I bring anybody else in. But the next species I’m looking at is likely either indigo or cribo.

Well I’ve been roped into a clown project by my mentor AND S/O so I guess that’s on the agenda lol… aside from that I’m hoping to do a little work with pied if my GHI female proves out as het. Completely aside from balls I am hoping to pick up a Borneo STP soon and a BI or two in the next few years! Hoping to get into the borneo game 100%, they’re such cool snakes. BI’s have been my dream “big snake” but I only plan on keeping any I get as pets. But of course, Ghost ball projects reign supreme here!

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I Really want to get into boas not really breed them but just keep them I also want to get into mbks I’ve had one in. The past but unfortunately it escaped and I believe it went into my walls

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I plan on getting a pair of hognoses next year, but I currently breed corn snakes and I would like to get into scaleless and/or palmetto in the future.


I’ve got hognoses on my list, as well as finding a female Japanese rat snake to pair with my boy. While I never intended to own an old world rat snake, he’s one of the most intriguing and active animals in my collection and I’d love to work more with them.

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Hognose snakes could be in my future but I really have focused my sights on high end boas! Maybe one day!


We have been planning a move for a while, and as a result I’m sitting on my hands instead of buying anybody else until after the relocation. I’m still in love with corn snakes, have shifted future projects a bit and am quite excited about the future. I’d had to pare the collection way down following an injury in 2014, but things are much better now. I added a few this year and will be adding a few more once the dust settles.
But… If I didn’t have to consult my husband, and if I didn’t have to deal with a cross-country move, I would love to have a rainbow boa.


I already have a male I just need to find a female hognose I like lol


I pretty much have the projects I want to keep and breed. The next few years I will hopefully be doing the following:

Paradigm Colombian Rainbow x Anery Colombian Rainbow

Palmetto Corn het Amel x Amel Scaleless Corn

Stimson Python x Stimson Python

Paradox Snow Sand x DH Paradox Snow Sand

Various Ball Python projects

A few western hognose projects

Continued tri-color hognose (breeding for deeper reds, orange, etc)

TH (albino, white-side, axanthic) Bullsnake x TH Bullsnake


I think next I’ll go with dart frogs beautiful animals and some of the bio active enclosure set ups out there are phenomenal. And I’d like to pick up a retic one day but I don’t have the space for proper housing at the moment.


I’m still at least a year out breeding my female Enchi Blade 66% het clown to my male Lesser het clown.

The rest of my females are two and three years away from breeding weight.

That said , here’s what I’ve got planned for now…LOL

OD Fire Yellowbelly (m) x OD Pastel (f)

OD Fire Yellowbelly (m) x Bumblebee (f)

OD Fire Yellowbelly (m) x Black Pastel Lesser (f)

Enchi het pied (m) x Fire Yellowbelly het pied (f)

Pastel het clown (m) x Pastel het clown (f)

Mojave (m) x Lesser Pastel (f)

I still have a couple of ladies that I’m undecided about.


Waitting for clowns to go down in price. and they will and are. Like anything else.


That’s why I’m working with Hets.
To me it’s more enjoyable to produce my own visual recessives. I guess if I were better off , it’d be enjoyable pairing up straight visuals. LOL

I’m on the slow road… HAHAHA :rofl:


The debate rages on here. Maybe a boa species or a colubrid in snakes. Maybe another gecko species, or just more cresties. I’m voting for Dumeril’s and/or gargoyles, but I may get out voted. :sweat_smile:


Also Green try pythons, but they have to be Blue.
Im well happy that that is a newish section on MorphMarket , but not much listed there yet as its still a bit new.

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I agree with you. A little more grinding can pay off more in the end than just dividends.