What would cause black eyes in a BEL?

I believed to have bought a bamboo lesser vanilla pastel female a few years ago. She’s a bel but has black eyes? Nothing really shows up under the blacklight and as far as the eye can see she has no markings on her. I bred her last year to a super enchi banana lesser blade clown.

Surprisingly we had quite a few spiders in the clutch.
We also made 3 babies that are really hard to identify but we have took an educated guess.
In the clutch we recieved

  • Bamboo Enchi Blade pos pastel h clown
  • Banana spider vanilla enchi h clown
  • vanilla spider banana enchi lesser h clown
  • bamboo banana blade enchi h clown
  • vanilla spider lesser enchi h clown
    The unusual babies are potentially
  • spider enchi pastel bamboo vanilla h clown x2
  • spider enchi banana bamboo vanilla pos pastel pos blade h clown

Theres a couple of things still bothering me. So with 3 lucy genetics and 8 eggs we didnt hit a bel? The pairings we did lesser to lesser gave 3.

Why has she got solid black eyes? Is the vanilla (which is very simular to fire) causing the eye change? But then in theory would she not have yellow patches? Or could there be something else going on we haven’t identified?

Could she not have lesser and it be something else thats caused the lucy? But then what would go with bamboo to create a lucy?

We have done the same pairing again to see if we can get answers. Will update when we do.


Sometimes the eyes on a BEL can be a very dark sapphire blue… The other problem you have. Is BlkEL.
Black eye Lucy is on the fire complex that vanilla is a part of. Pictures of dad and the clutch may help if someone can see something I don’t.

Also… If your female was a bamboo lesser, every baby will have bamboo or lesser from mom, she cannot pass both to one baby. The lesser gene gene from dad would be a 50% chance per egg. The odds can suck sometimes.

The biggest problem is… Your female is not a BEL. Lesser Bamboo is a clean white snake with no markings. She has a spider line down her back and very obvious markings.

I think you should consider looking back at purchase records or even contacting who you purchased her from. She is not what you have her ID’d as.


I’ll post a picture of mum and dad when they’ve finished locking x


@armiyana hit everything great! Just wanted to add that a blue eyed Lucy using lesser is one of the best pure white lucys! For instance super Mojaves while a Lucy would have a greyish head. So definitely no lesser in that snake in my opinion. Also a black eyed Lucy using the fire complex gives you darker eyes(obviously) but a lot of times you get the yellow streaks/patches like yours has. I would guess it is a simple misunderstanding, I think you have a black eyed Lucy bamboo spider( probably vanilla, fire, bamboo, spider.) some pics of the recent pairing offspring you did may help to id as well! Also that is a great looking snake! Just had to say that!


This right here


Sorry its been insane at work, I’ve found most of the clutch pictures, unfortunately i didnt take a picture of them together x


This is the female i was asking about x


No experience with spider, but aren’t spider pieds often white? Maybe check those offspring for het pied, you might have gotten lucky?:grin::+1:


Most Pied Spiders have a coloured head. It is only on rare occasion that you get an all-white one

This animal is neither a BluEL or a BlkEL. I am almost inclined to say it is an Ivory

Do you have a blacklight?


What is the snake in the original post then? Offspring or the father?
To avoid confusion, you really should have had this snake in your original post.


Offspring, sorry i would have but at the time i thought to ask the question she was locked up x

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She doesnt show much under a black light but this is what there is

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Not sure shes an ivory due to non of the babies coming out yellowbelly, but what ill do is post pictures of her next clutch when its ready and see if that helps with the id abit more x

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Given all the other genes involved, I can very easily see YB being masked in all the babies


Interesting, what ill do is post her clutch when they pop out, hoping on a big one to clear some things up x