Whats your next ball python morph your planing on? And Why?

I have yet to start breeding as I am waiting for my snakes to get big enough and old enough but I do have 2 morphs that I would really like to get. I would like to get a female albino pied for my onyx boy. I would also like to get a male butter clown for my pastave het clown girl and my super pastel butter genetic stripe girl. I have an idea of what I want to breed. I mostly want to do a lot of axanthic stuff. My mom wants vpi axanthic genetic stripes so that is going to be one of my first projects I am going to work on and I have it all planned out I just have to wait for my snakes to get big enough! :smiley:


Recessive - Puzzle

Why? Cause it turns me on more than any other recessive I don’t have atm. The dragging of the pattern is amazing and brings so much to the table. DG Puzzles down the road as well.

Non Recessive - There are a few but a high expression Hurricane/Blitz/Trick combo male is at the top of my list.

Why: To make hets, and work on super Trick/Blitz/Hurricane. The combos I’ve seen with the supers look phenomenal.


Cant think of a better reason :slight_smile:

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Honestly I’m pretty happy with my current animals, and the babies they might make (putting GHI into everything atm), but I would like to get another ultramel at some point for new blood since I just have my 1 female. As well as some animals with a combination or another of: GHI, mojave, fire (ideally, all white super male for my SF female), champagne, cinnamon, visual or het. ultramel, black pastel; and maaaaybe pied, special, and butter.

Not too familiar with a lot of the other genes that are out there yet, but those are my main ones.

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I haven’t decided… I currently have a lot of growouts and projects… but eventually I would like to add some DG… I added bh and ultramel to the collection last year but Im sure I could use more… lol

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This is the leo clown clutch I hatched out last year. Hopefully get more this year too.


I only have one disco at the moment (pastel disco fire) and hopefully she will be ready for pairing by next year.

Thinking I should pair her to my Firefly cinnamon yb… but Idk,


There are so many things that I would like to add to my collection next lol. If I had to choose though then it would probably be an OD combo het for DG to pair to some of my het DG combos that I have growing up. Especially my Pastel Calico Chocolate Enchi dbl het DG Hypo, I really want to see what a Pastel Calico OD Enchi DG looks like! I could take or leave the Enchi, but I imagine that it wouldn’t hurt to have it. I’ve also been looking at Acid combos recently, so that would probably be my second choice.


Hah! Thank you~

Just like the other mentioned she’s a Pastel leopard spider pied possible yb— it’s hard to know since she actually maybe a worlds first…

But I definitely have some experimenting to do in the future :black_heart: sucks that there’s not much done with spieds to compare but… I couldn’t pass up this gorgeous girl when I saw her…

Forgive my late reply— I’m still getting used to the forums Vs the marketplace ^^”


I think my next ball python morph for a project I’d invest in would be Saar.


Why? none on morphmarket europe for me to see, tell me about it pls?

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You can change to US :grin:

I sometimes change just to see what’s in the US I like haha.

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Europe MM is the only place you can see them. There is currently 7 available right now


Whenever I do this it makes me jealous of everything you have on that side of the world :slight_smile:

LIKE @bughunter07 said— why wind my self up and get jealous looking at all the USA morphmarket stuff when I am in the UK :sob:
Besides with all your new legislation (Lacey Act) you cant even move it across borders in the USA let alone other countries. I bleed for the hobbie :pleading_face:


The Lacey Act is not new, it just has new verbiage, and hey it hasn’t passed yet. It’s going to have a hard time getting through the senate. This would DAMAGE the whole entire pet industry in the US.

I am the opposite. I love searching the Euro side of MM and sometimes the SA side because of how fewer genes you guys have. Sometimes I feel like the US market is just overly saturated and has too many genes that do the exact same thing, but just have different names.

I wish we had a company state side like DDI that you guys have. If we had one there wouldn’t be an issue importing/exporting anymore for anyone (except those is SA). This is something I’ve honestly thought about a lot and even have contemplated taking out a loan and getting setup and actually doing. It would benefit A TON of people, and it would be awesome to have going.


Razor and puzzle are my two next projects! I fell in love with the super razor the moment I saw it and I have a few theories about puzzle but want to work with it hands-on before I comment on those theories. Aside from those two genes I just plan on filling out my hypo and pied stock while working a new dinker gene I just picked up from @double_m_reptiles into various combos and producing some amazing world-firsts. If it does what I think it will with genes like GHI, bamboo and puzzle I’m gonna have some insanely cool animals on my hands and probably too many holdbacks :joy:


Agreed, I think we should just call those ‘breeding lines’ of the same thing’ or something similar, until proven otherwise to avoid confusion.
Like butter and lesser and banana and coral glow.
I would use the first morph identified and then say its that + X breeding line.
Like Banana/ coral glow line. or lesser/ butter line etc (not sure that’s the right way round.)

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