Any input? My first thought is “how did I get a tessera?” Neither parent is tessera. Dam is Normal het Palmetto, Sunkissed, Ultra. Sire is Sunkissed possibly het Cinder, Stripe. This hatchling appears tessera. Appears to hava a normal head pattern, not sunkissed. Has belly checkers which seems to rule out stripe/motley combinations. Aztec? The clutch is still hatching so I don’t really want to disturb them any more than I already have right now for additional photos.
Aztec! It’s very possible. I had a breeding friend hatch one a year ago. Course we aren’t sure if it’s some kind of abberent marking due to something happened or if it’s a true Aztec. Neither of us are familiar enough with the Morph to know for sure.
I’ve never seen an Aztec with that clean and narrow of a stripe. Is there any chance a tessera could have bred to your female? Do the other babies’ genetics match the pairing?
Thought with Tessera if parents don’t show the pattern then they don’t have the gene.
That’s correct. It’s a dominant gene, so if they are heterozygous or homozygous for tessera, it will visually show. So I’m wondering if maybe a tessera got into the female’s enclosure? Or maybe they had a couple of snakes out at the same time and didn’t notice a breeding? Or maybe a tessera was bred to the female in a previous season and she retained the sperm? Because I think there is no way that that baby isn’t a tessera, so that gene had to have come from somewhere.
Here I am trying for a Tessera and not getting one and they get one randomly lol! That’s awesome if the female somehow retained. Hopefully we will see what the rest of the clutch throws.
Out of curiosity, what are those colored pieces in the incubation medium.
Jelly tots!
That’s what I was thinking. But why…?
My guess would be to soak up extra moisture?
They look like the balls you can buy to feed insects.
They’re jelly balls.
They also look like glass balls?
Sorry it took me so long to answer. I thought I had things set up to let me know when I received replies, and didn’t think I was getting any replies LOL. Those colored peices are water beads. I have had really good luck controlling moisture by adding them to my hatching medium.
Sorry it took me so long to answer. I thought I had things set up to let me know when I received replies, and didn’t think I was getting any replies LOL.
Turns out the male IS Tessera that was just kind of hidden under the crazy Sunkissed attitude of not playing by the rules. I spoke with his breeder at some length and my male’s daddy was tessera.
Thanks for all the replies. I will have to watch more closely when I ask questions.
I thought they looked like orbeez haha
Any pictures of the rest of the clutch? Love seeing pictures of babies.
Ah! That makes sense! Some sunkissed tesseras have such a crazy pattern that it’s hard to even tell if they’re tesseras. Would love to see pics of that snake.
LOL, I’m trying but it isn’t loading all the photos. Trying again to load the whole clutch.
Dam is Wuji normal het Palmetto, Sunkissed, Ultra
Sire is Shazam Sunkissed Tessera ph Cinder, Stripe

Wow, that is definitely not an obvious tessera! Very cool though, I think that’s the messiest sunkissed tessera I’ve seen.