When to introduce White's Tree Frogs?

Hi everyone! I have a question about my whites tree frogs. I have two females in a 55 gallon (long) enclosure, and i just got a juvenile snowflake female to add to the group! She is 1.75 inches from Josh’s Frogs. I got her this weekend at the reptile super show / la pet fair. My two adult females are both 2-3 years old and full grown. Maybe 2-2.5 inches. I’ll measure them tonight. I’m just wondering when it is okay to add my new female due to her smaller size. She isnt that much smaller than the other two, but she has to quarantine anyway. How long should I quarantine frogs? I quarantine cresties for 2 months, but I’m not sure about frogs because I got them at the same time and never had to. Thanks guys!!

(The top picture is of my new frog, Miso, and the bottom is of my two adults, Mochi and Matcha)

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I quarantine my wild caught amphibians for 6 months and for captive bred, 2-3 months seems to be good.

By the time she is out, she most likely will have grown enough to go in so I wouldn’t worry about it


I agree.
Quarantine for 3 months is my usual routine. You’ll be able to learn all of the behaviors little Miso has and get them feeding well. And that’s especially important for me when introducing critters. It’s easier to see any signs of stress or bullying.

And like @logar said, they should be around the same size by then which is good.

Food names always make me happy. So I love the names for your cuties. Josh’s Frog’s table looked great at the show. It was just so warm in there. I don’t blame them for hiding under that damp paper towel. Hahah

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Thanks so much for your response! There isn’t a whole lot online, so i figured asking MM was my best bet haha.

Thanks a ton! The aquarium part of the show was pretty cool and had good airflow! We were in there most of the time due to the heat. The Josh’s Frogs lady that sold little Miso to me actually helped me name her!

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Here is an update! Everything went amazing. The tank was converted to full bioactive and the 3 frogs are getting along nicely. I quarantined for 6 weeks :slight_smile: it wont let me load the pictures in, but i will if i figure out how to do it. Thank you all for your help!