Where to spam for morph ID's?

Where is the best place to upload lots of photo’s for ID help? Not only looking for ID’s but also the explanation of how they came to a particular conclusion. This just doesn’t seem the place to do that. Here are some interesting (to me) 2024 babies…


What were the pairings? But here is usually a good place to get help understanding how different genes interact to create the look a snake has


I have over 100 eggs in my incubator and am relatively new so have a lot to learn about morph ID-ing. I can do the basics but when I have 7 genes in a clutch each with an equal 50% chance of expressing I get overwhelmed fast. For example in these 2 pics the top one is pinstripe + pastel + black head + special + fire + orange dream + yellow belly and each of the seven in the clutch look different as expected. That bottom pic is throwing me for a loop because doesn’t match what I thought I had and was mated to 2 different males.
FEMALE: pastel + ivory + pied (maybe not pied??) (is visual ivory)
MALE #1: enchi + pastel + ivory + pied (maybe not pied??) (is visual ivory) [edit:uv test says this is visual pied]
MALE #2: S.enchi + leopard + Orange dream + fire + pastel + pied (visual pied)
so im completely at a loss here, obviously somebody is not pied.
They both cool looking to me but I can’t even guess half of what is there :frowning:

I don’t want to spam this community and just become a pest.


Male 1 can’t be the dad as the baby isn’t an ivory. It also isn’t pied so that means the mom isn’t actually a visual pied.

So my guess is that it is an enchi, yb, od, fire, pastel, het pied.

Enchi- causes the banded pattern and thick eye stripe (dad is super so it has to be it an enchi)
Orange dream- causes all the orange you see
Yellow belly- contributes to all the flaming you see (mom is a super so has to be passed on)
Fire- brightens the animal as well as “cleans up” the pattern and also contributes to the headstamp
Pastel- adds to the brightness

I may be off with a gene or two so I am going to ask @armiyana to check my math homework for me.

Please spam lol. It gives me an excuse to look at pretty snakes. And you being worried about becoming a pest makes me confident that you won’t. Everyone needs to learn and asking people with experience (and me of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) is one of the best ways to do it. I have a feeling you will fit in perfectly around here so pull up your hatchling rack, a chair, and all the pictures and questions you have! (Did I mention I like pictures?)


very helpful!


As @logar said, spam away! Even those of us who can’t help with IDs still love looking at snake baby pictures. :wink:


ok but you have no idea what’s coming. I am keeping my hatchling data here for myself manwithballs.com but you are welcome to take a peek. Except for the oddball pied or clown that just came in with something else, most everything is co-dom


I would agree!
Dad is #2 and Logar’s breakdown looks right to me too.

Were there more babies in this clutch? If you didn’t get any Pieds in the clutch, I would definitely consider testing mom for it. That way you know for sure before trying to breed her for pied again. Sometimes odds are really bad.


Here is the entire clutch. Maybe the Male #1 made an ivory?? or could it be something else? IDK


Yeah it’s definitely a dual sire clutch since you do have the ivory in there. You can maybe try using a blacklight to check if there’s a pattern there for pied. Otherwise I assume 50% het pied. Unless you can prove the male as a pied carrier.

Mom is definitely het pied. because the offspring you posted from male 2 were not pied. You did prove her as het with that Enchi YB pied baby in this last photo.


Here is blacklight and other lightings

never did that untraviolet before but saw nothing. Looks similar to my OD Ivory and S.Enchi Ivory with yellow going down back and shadow head markings. I guess I just send in scale clip on some of these.

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So… I think I just confirmed the #1 visual ivory male to be pied using the UV. But nothing on the female or the baby. So now just what is that white baby?


so I think what I know so far is…
male #1 sired the white baby.
male #2 sired both patterned babies.
either could of sired the pied baby, unless someone see’s something unique?
the female is het pied



The pied baby had to of came from the second male as it isn’t an ivory.


Glad that the UV light trick worked! Because the ivory baby has a het to Pied pairing, that baby is also a 100% het or visual pied. May need to UV them as well.

And Logar is right. You would have more ivory if the ivory male sired more as it’s ivory to ivory so opps all ivory.