Which animal to chose?

alright guys,

im planning on building my next natural enclosure, it’ll be an outdoor 10’x6’x4’ jungle enclosure with a pond feature. I’m debating on which lizard species to stock it with. I’m looking for something semi-aquatic that will make use of the pond. Id like something that is medium to large size and has the possibility to tame down well enough to be handled to be brought in if needed.

some options I have considered:
caiman lizard
monitor species of some sort
aussie water pair

anything else?


Choose a reticulated python!

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Sorry I didn’t see this either! I would personally go with a yellow headed water monitor. They are pretty much a cooler looking Asian that stays a couple feet smaller!

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I wish! Used to keep several indoors but not sure how’d they do outdoors

As much as I love those I also love all my arms and legs as well as kidneys :joy::joy:

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How much experience with Monitor lizards have you had? I’m just saying a Big Asian water male is a big lizard…

I would honestly love one but I would want to make sure I was able to handle something like that.

So that would be my suggestion…if you think you can do that.

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What about a type of water dragon? Physignathus Would be awesome! Yeah,a “puff cheek” their awesome!

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