Which one should i choose?😭

I want to buy my first snake but i have one problem.
I cant decide between carpet python or boa constrictor. I feel like im ready for both, so its more wich one i like more but i wanted to ask yall is there something abt one of these that others wont tell me.
Something that can drag me away from purchasing on3 of them. Thanks


Welcome to the MorphMarket Community! Whatever you decide, this is a great place for advice free from judgement.

I think both make excellent pets. There are boa people and then there are carpet python people and then there are people that are into both. I doubt you’ll get many cons for either snake type. As you should know by now from doing your research, there are major differences between the two. Eggs vs. live bearing. Boas are more stocky. I think carpets are more active than boas while handling, but neither are as flighty as most colubrids. Not really cons, just differences.

I think it comes down to your personal preference. I definitely prefer pythons over boas. I never liked the face, head shape and eyes of boas. Same thing with cats, I prefer the round head of the common tabby; the head shapes of Siamese and Himalayan gross me out. Same with vehicles, there are some freaking ugly ass cars out there that make me throw up a little bit in my mouth. But they are quite popular, so I guess I’m the odd one out.

Sorry if this didn’t give you the cons of the two types you’re interested in. Maybe others will have better input.


Like @kavoll said, I think it’s going to come down to personal preference and they mentioned a lot of good comparison points already. I think boas have more morphs to choose from, if you’re interested in that sort of thing. I’ve heard carpet pythons tend to be more nippy/defensive as babies as opposed to boas, but I’ve never owned a carpet python so I can’t compare personally.

I have a boa currently and I’m happy to answer any questions you have about care, temperament, etc. It’s funny you’re posting this now, I’m actually looking into getting a jungle carpet python. If you had posted this a few months from now I might be more help lol.

I will admit, I’m definitely more partial to boas in general due to their temperament and overall appearance. I actually love their angular faces and gentle eyes! If I do get a carpet python, that will probably be my only python. But that’s just my personal preference. Let me know if you have any questions :blush: And let us know what you decide!


I vote for boa!!

Seriously though it is just up to personal opinion. Look into them and decide what kind of care you want to do and what kind of temperament you want in a snake. I don’t have any experience with carpet pythons but boas can be the sweetest snakes and have amazing temperaments.


Just get one of each. Problem solved! :joy:

I will say that I absolutely adore my boa. From day one she has had the most wonderful temperament. As close to “friendly” and “affectionate” as a reptile can be. I’ve never worked with carpet pythons, but their reputation is that they’re more likely to be a bit more nervous as far as handling goes. But I’ve heard that they typically tame down nicely with a little work.

It just kind of depends on what you’re looking for. A boa is going to be a much heavier and more “substantial” snake. Even a dwarf locality is still going to be a pretty hefty adult, so ask yourself if that will work for you, or if something more slender like a carpet would be more manageable for you. A carpet python is likely going to be more active and fun to watch inside the enclosure, but a boa is more likely to be more chill for handling. Boas have more morphs to choose from, if that matters to you.

Both are great snakes that make wonderful pets. It just depends on your preferences and priorities. I don’t think that one is objectively “better” than the other.


It’s going to be easier to get a boa that has a solid calm temperament than a carpet. Carpets generally chill out but you can’t rely on it. Coastals or Papuans are going to be calmer than jungles. Most jungles are nippy or flighty. Bredls pythons are a different deal though and typically very calm.


I vote for a boa. :wink::grin: Here are a few good reasons too.


Boa all day! Lol. But…I’m biased🤣


Just curious Dennis. Is that your house in the background? I have seen it in a few other pictures you have posted. It looks really cool……


No, thats Brian’s house. I call it the boa palace🤣 Brians wife, Angela, is extremely talented with art and does an amazing job on the house. Behind me is a butterfly garden


Ok I was just wondering. I was hoping it was yours! But I will settle for it being Brian’s Boa Palace! :joy:. I had a butterfly tree once but not a butterfly garden! :pray::ok_hand:


My vote goes for carpets. I just like more active snakes. I also like the body shape of carpets a bit more. Something about the more slender body with that big beefy heads some of them get just draws me to them.

They are both amazing though so I would just say to get both


Thanks. I think i might get a carpet due to the fact that they are overall less masive.


I think i might wanna get a carpet but i still gotta see them on ReptileExpo on sunday. Then ill probably decide


Boa…that is enough said, they are my dream, so I am biased lol :joy: