Expert help needed - Who is the most likely sire… (i realize more than one could be)
Bachelor #1 (early season lock) S.Enchi + Pastel + OD + YB + Vanilla
Bachelor #2 (no lock seen) Asphalt + Enchi + OD + HiOD + Pastel + Vanilla + YB + Calico
Bachelor #3 (testing very young male no lock seen) Asphalt + S.Pastel + BP+ GHI + Enchi
Originally I thought I had 3 ivories but now…
I ‘think’ I see 2 freeways? Maybe an ivory? But also some dark ones?
[yes this was an 11 egg clutch]
So sorry - Female was YB + Pastel
I don’t see anything like GHI or Black Pastel standing out in any of them. So the odds of #3 are very small.
I think that 1 or 2 are the most likely but you won’t know which are which unless you tested them for asphalt. Any of them carrying asphalt are from #2.
The white ones you might need to see if they color up a bit more. The one on the left in the first picture is the one I think is something like a pastel vanilla freeway. There’s that line of grey outlining the markings down the back. The other two seem more like what I expect in Ivory from this mix.
I’m probably not much help as far as trying to figure the rest out though. Lol
closeup without flash
actually is a big help, the reason I was doubting
#2 is I was expecting to see more OD. I guess I will have to bite the bullet and get the whole lot tested. Thank you.
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I found this AWESOME paradox from Leftside reptiles to kind of illustrate what I mean.
This is an ivory, but the paradox spot is freeway. So you can see the way the yellow has the darker markings around it like this one here does.
I guess after looking everyone over more closely and putting aside wishful thinking; I see no hint of asphalt as I thought, no hint of calico, the number of animals percentage seem right for ivory and vanilla, i can’t tell where pastel is but everyone seems to have enchi. So I’m leaning towards #1 now. Any more input?
Just wanted to point out for the record that clutches can be dual sired and it honestly probably happens more than people think. Some babies can be from one sire and others from another. So you don’t have to narrow down just one male, it’s entirely possible that two males sired.
Ivory + OD + enchi + pastel
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