Who's going to be at Arlington NARBC?

I’ll be there this Saturday afternoon milling around, sporting my limited edition MM t-shirt.

Who else will be there?

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I love to go to the Fall Arlington show…didn’t make it this year. Maybe next year.

Cheese and rice……I just picked up on the limited edition MM shirt comment……sometimes I’m slow. Thought you were talking about an M&M T-shirt, now I get it………how do I get one?

Unfortunately we don’t have any for sale right now. Something I’d like to do though.

I was there John! I got there a little after 1pm on Saturday and picked up my first ball python :slight_smile:

I’m really looking forward to the 2020 events since I feel like I understand more about snakes, and what I’m interested in and the prices for setups, feeders, etc.


How would you compare your experience this time?

Also @john, did you attend yesterday/today?.. Time zones are confusing.

A lot better than the first time. VIP is really the way to go. Less crowded, more times for one on one with breeders to ask questions, and you dont feel rushed or pushed when it’s only about 30 or 40 people walking around

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Unfortunately I was out of the country this time… Hope ya’ll had fun!