Why is there suddenly a shortage of GTPs and ETBs?

Sorry if this is the wrong tag. I noticed that there are not a lot of green tree pythons or emerald tree boas on the market recently vs. a few months ago when there were plenty. I’ve noticed the same thing at my local reptile shops. They even developed a waitlist for new GTPs and ETBs that come in because the demand was so high. Is this a normal thing? Was I just on the market when there was an unusually large amount for sale?

The majority of GTPs and ETBs that you are seeing at shows and the like are farmed/WC animals and the global shut down killed importation for a while there so that would be my guess as to why they seem thinner on the ground.

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That explains a lot. Now might be a good time to try to get my hands on a captive-bred then. Thank you.


I would always recommend captive bred for any species compared to wild caught. I couldn’t stress that enough.

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Buying captive bred is particularly important with ETBs. Tons of ETBs are imported only to die unable to adjust to captivity. WC emeralds are best left to experts.

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