Would he be considered olive?

This is Ares I’ve asked about him before but I was hoping someone can help confirm if he would be considered olive or not? He’s pretty green so I’m somewhat sure he is


True olives are green fired up and down. So no he wouldn’t be.

He’s a tricolour partial pin though x


Ok I see thank you so much

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So he’d be considered a black base? What causes him to be green fired down?

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Tricolours can fire down a green colour, brown or even a lav colour, and they can fire up brown or black also, i have one who fires down the green colour myself x


Depends on who you ask tbh, but I generally agree - “True” olives still have a green hue when fired up, and they are often (but not always) phantoms as well. “True” olives are also not that common, mainly because it’s not something people have really been aiming for, and from my understanding they rarely pop up randomly (:


Oh I see! Thanks!

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