Would they make a good breeding pair?

psa i know the market is oversaturated, i have lineage and would most likely keep some babies for myself im just curious as to what the offspring would produce?


You’d most likely get a bunch of harlequins, including some het EBs, partial pinstripes, and maybe some full pinstripes. Most likely mostly yellow and darks, i wouldn’t expect that yellow to throw reds, but who knows.

I wouldn’t personally consider them a good pairing tbh, they don’t really complement each other, and neither has anything funky or interesting about them to make the pairing more interesting overall.

If you wanna start breeding my best advice would be to find a phenotype and/or morph you like, and then breed towards that, improving it in the areas that you like personally. Have a look at other people’s pairings to get an idea of what similar pairings might throw. Also, read up on the genetics, even though it’s a bit of a jungle, and not everyone agrees. Personally, ive found the LMReptiles genetic guide to be the most accurate when looking at mine and other’s pairing outcomes, but there are other guides out there :blush: