I was wondering just because, would you rather trust a reptile such as a a snake or lizard over an arachnid?
For me i trust my scorpions/arachnids over my reptiles. Having only been bitten by 1 arachnid that was my fault ( im sure I’ve had spider bites i did not realize) but i have been countless times by every animal except venomous.
I guess a difference in handling techniques makes a difference.
What do you think?
Depends on the reptile or arachnid involved for me. Chaco golden knee ( Grammostola Pulchripes) Are trustworthy in my experience. Emperor scorpions are as well… The rest I’m less likely to trust.
Reptiles wise I can read all of my snakes well enough that I haven’t been bit by anything over subadult in a long time. (Defensive babies don’t count since everything’s scary to them)
I’d probably trust a reptile more, mainly because I feel like I’m more familiar with their body language, and in general they’re more “readable” than arachnids. Also, non-venomous reptiles are…well, non-venomous, whereas things like spiders and scorpions all have venom. Even if it’s not a species with medically-significant venom, there’s always a chance of a very unpleasant reaction, so I’d rather take my chances getting a minor flesh wound from a non-venomous reptile.
Also, I trust myself more with reptiles. Both in my ability to read when they’re grumpy and in my ability to handle them without injuring them. I’d be much more concerned about accidentally harming the animal in the case of something like a spider or scorpion. I plan to get several tarantula species in the near-future, and I don’t plan on handling them at all, I’m just not confident in my ability to do it safely and it’s a risk I’d rather not take.
I can understand that, we are actually more prone to accidentally hurting the arachnids. Some species of arachnids are incredibly fast and can be unpredictable ( most won’t bite you but some will such as the baboon) huntsman spiders are incredibly fast and sieze opportunities to escape very rapdly. I don’t handle tarantulas or spiders unless i need to to prevent it’s escape or recapture it, the risk of tarantulas falling and getting injured are great same as scorpions ( which i never handle even with knowing their behavior) arachnids have many sensory inputs that canmake them very reactive, the slightest vibration or even a blow from wind on a hair can set them off. I’ve seen mostly from my small/young scorpions are way faster to use their tails but if my scorpions aren’t having it that day all may position their tails to tell me back off.