Wrapping paper substrate?

Would I be able to use gift wrapping paper (unprinted side up) for substrate while dealing with some issues going on with my skink? we have tons extra and I go through about half a roll of paper towels when I change it.


I really don’t think there would be anything wrong with using it Logan. Others may disagree so we will see…. :sunglasses:


I’m a pretty new keeper so take this with a grain of salt, but I’d be worried about the dyes or inks leaching through to the unprinted side if it got wet. I don’t think wrapping paper is made with reptile safety in mind so you could end up with a stained herp or worse.


that is what I was worried about.


Could you use paper towels? I agree with the above concerns using Wrapping paper, and I wonder how it would handle pee or humidity?


Wrapping paper also tends not to absorb as well also.
If it was like… A shredded newspaper mixed with it maybe then, but alone it’s not one I would use.


Yeah, for stuff like wrapping paper I’m pretty sure it doesn’t get QCed for like, absorbancy or lack of leaching long-term, and I’d bet standards are all over the place for what inks/dyes get used. It’s meant to be one-use, disposable, and there are no standards to make it food or body safe, whereas paper towels are graded food safe for at least casual contact with food. I’d say “is it food safe” might be a good factor to consider when thinking about whether something’s animal safe, too.

…not that this works on everything. I’m pretty sure aspen and coco coir are not food safe lmao


Honestly, they probably are, just in the sense that if it did come into contact with your food and/or you swallowed a little, there’s nothing toxic that would hurt you. I’m not saying that you should add aspen shavings and coconut chips to your Thanksgiving stuffing, but nobody would be poisoned if you did.


Ha! Fair point on the technical distinction!

I bet coco coir in your stuffing would keep it nice and moist. Holds humidity just great.


So @logar after reading the above comments I do not think wrapping paper is a great option even though you have tons of it. In addition I think it would tear too easily……

Another option would be packing paper (Amazon) or unprinted newspaper (you can get huge rolls of it at Staples for cheap)

Otherwise it’s paper towels or something like shredded aspen……:blush:


You can get a 100ft roll of brown butcher paper on Amazon for $10-15. I would imagine it is safe for animals since ppl use to wrap bbq in while it is cooking. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong on that though.


And it’s full of fiber, so none of your guests would be backed up the next morning. :rofl: