Super Gravel Orange Dream male…he’s currently sitting at 750+ grams…I should take a newer picture lol! He was around 400 in this picture image|375x500
That’s a ridiculous snake! Too bad paradox isn’t genetic. Also why do I feel like I have seen this snake before?
This is a fun thread. I have a few…
Ophelia, my first female BP. She is SO sweet and relaxed, will come to the front of her enclosure when I’m cleaning, crawl up onto my shoulders and sit there for hours while I do chores. She’s a mojave russo. Here she is laying eggs.
Iggy Big Time, a sandblast pewter pied from Brandon @osbornereptiles. I think Brandon produces the most interesting BP’s. Here’s her baby photo from a few years ago.
Symphony, from @jkobylka is really special to me for obvious reasons. Cinnamon lavender Black-Head etc etc etc…
My 2017 banana coz pastave which apparently was a worlds 1st, I honestly couldnt of asked for a better snake
This is a boy that I produced last year. He’s a Black Magic Spotnose Yellowbelly and his name is Jack Snakington.
Lucky number 7 in his pattern is pretty cool.
Thank u ! & ikr?!
If you’re on FB, u may have seen his pic around😊
Ah now I remember! Yeah it was on fb
Normally I’m not a big fan of albino, but dang those albino pumpkin pieds are amazing! When did you hatch these? How have the colors developed as they’ve been growing?
They’re outragous!!! Hi had them side by side with a few dreamsicles at the last Show. Colours totally identical. I’ll try and get some good new shots tomorrow. Long overdue.
I love this thing! Even without the paradoxing this is a monsterously cool Combo, but incl. the Paradox:
Here is my Spotnose Firefly Clown male. Couldn’t be happier about hitting the odds with this clutch!
And although not priced as well in the current market, but very prized by me: Leopard Blackhead 100% het Pied 50% het Hypo female (might also have Vanilla gene, but I’m doubting that).
All my pythons are beautiful but this girl is my most prized. I was shooting for an eight ball matter when I made her. So glad she exceeded my expectations.
She hasn’t hatched yet but the leucistic western hognose I’m getting. Gonna name her “Worm” since baby lucy hogs are small and pinkish until their scales lose the translucency. They look very worm like lol