Zaphod has grown!

Hi all,

I believe I posted about my first boa, Zaphod, a little over a year ago looking for some advice. He was small and spicy and hated everything and would start hissing if you even looked at him.
Now, he’s in a bit of a growth spurt it seems! I love watching his colors and pattern change as he ages (he’s a Sunglow). After slowly and patiently working with him, he has mellowed out so much.
Today is the first time he came out voluntarily and was calm and inquisitive the whole time! Making this post because I am proud of my son, haha.

If you have a Sunglow, I’d love to see! Here’s my boy Zaphod, who is almost 2, and has learned how to behave himself:


He is so very pretty! So happy for you that he is settling down! Especially since he is going to keep growing for awhile! Also I am intrigued by your tattoo! It is certainly quite intense I must say!

Glad you popped back in to update Zaphop! Please don’t be a stranger! :pray::heart::sunglasses:


That is an awesome tattoo! Great looking boa as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks guys! So glad I took the boa plunge. They’re so cool!
My tattoo is still a work in progress, should finish it next session, but it’s a full solar system sleeve haha


That’s what I thought it looked like! I have never seen anything like it! When you get it finished you should post a full picture! Along with Zappos of course! :heart::+1:


He is looking beautiful! Love the look of his so far :wink:


Zaphod is looking gorgeous! So glad to hear that he’s calmed down and gotten better with handling. He really looks great! I love sunglows. I seriously considered getting one myself (ended up going to the opposite end of the colour spectrum and getting an IMG).

And the tattoo is beautiful too! Awesome colours, looks like you have a great artist.


Thanks! :slight_smile:
He was my first, and only a few months after him (and after I learned a bit more about boa morphs) I couldn’t help myself and got an IMG, too. :sweat_smile:
I’ll have to share pics of the IMG next time I have him out, he’s gorgeous as well.

Thanks for the tat compliment as well - my artist is insanely good!


That’s wonderful that you have another one! By all means please do post pictures when you can! :pray:


I’d definitely love to see your IMG! I could look at IMG boas all day. Still can’t quite believe I finally have one of my very own.

I wish I had the space for more than one boa, but I really don’t right now. There are so many morphs and localities I love, and in a perfect world, I’d have at least one of each.


He’s a gorgeous boy! Still got lots of color for his size. They are truly wonderful snakes. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Your boa is looking fantastic and your artwork is awesome


@braincheese he is so sick. I love how his color transitions from a bright yellow and orange pattern in to a white and orange tail. Zaphod is so killer :heart_eyes:


Thanks! He’s a pretty awesome guy. It never shows up in pictures, but he has purple rings around the pattern on his tail, too, which is just so cool.


Zaphod is gorgeous! I love the description of how his personality has developed as he has grown, too.