Hah! “I hope he’s not breeding that lava with all those tail kinks. Maybe he just shut it in the tub lid 20 or 30 times…”
Oh, that brings back a bad memory. When I went to pick up one of mine pursue of New Orleans, the dude who got her or of the bin she was in smashed her tail in the deli lid. She didn’t lose it, but she was a serious wild child for quite a while. You can kinda see her crnkled tail tip in this photo.
She grew into it well! Pretty corn.
I crushed a subadult blizzard’s head in a tub lid long ago. I thought he’d die that night, his head was so swollen and misshapen. Within a week he was eating, and within a month it was like nothing happened. Tough critters!
She did, though it looked pretty rough for a while. I don’t know if she associates me with the injury, but she darned sure didn’t want ANYTHING do with delis. She used to bolt, twist, musk, strike, thrash like crazy when I would get her out. With patient persistence and time, she decided I wasn’t going to hurt her and calmed down. She still isn’t one who comes forward when she sees a human, but that’s okay. Hoping she makes some pretty babies this year without any drama.
Ouucchh. Glad he got through that. I know you are, too. They can sometimes heal amazingly well!
I was like, “That lava’s tail looks awfully strange…oh wait, his bracelet just matches his snake, cool.”
@caryl, Revel is beautiful! Glad she recovered from the tail crushing incident. It never ceases to amaze me what reptiles can survive and heal from. They’re tough little buggers.
What’s Revel’s morph(s)? She looks patternless, I love the silvery colour with gold highlights, super pretty. I’m still pretty unversed in corn morphs.
Thanks! Revel is as patternless as they come. She had faintly visible, disappearing dorsal stripes as a hatchling. She was sold as a Red Factor/Coral Ghost (Anery + Hypo) Stripe. I believe she is likely Tessera as well, given her appearance and the fact that she had Tessera siblings. Tessera Stripes are often patternless or nearly so. In person she has a gorgeous silvery purple tone, with pretty yellow shadings along lower sides. I really need to get good pics of everybody. I really wish I had the photography chops of @deanaii or @solarserpents!
Her head has gotten so light! She looks great.
Strong Cinder incom dom influence. It’s also keeping her ground light and contrast high.
Ooh she looks great. I’m surprised she still has so little yellow on the neck since dad has tons.
Pez is nine-months old. She voluntarily ate only once—a half of an anole-scented micro-pink. I’ve syringe-fed her egg since, so she has grown a bit.
I haven’t ordered dark mice in forever, but I got some in my last order. So I said what the heck and tried giving her and her non-feeder bro a super-hot fuzzy, even though the meal was a bit too big. He hasn’t eaten his, but I was floored to see her stuffed with hers! I hope this is a turning point.
That is amazing! I really hope she takes off from here. I’m sure her brother will get with the program eventually.
Ooh she has a great belly too.
May be tied with Rico’s for me. Darker to the eye than in pics.
Ooh they look awesome!
He’s just under 100g, and she’s just over. They need a residence upgrade, pronto!
They’re looking very, very good!